(Elias Marat) The 2020 holiday season is widely expected to be one unlike any other, due in no small part to the ongoing public health emergency. However, Christmas celebrations will also be unique due to an extremely rare planetary alignment, the likes of which have never been seen since medieval times.
Secret Legacy Of The Moon
Secret Legacy Of The Moon
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Ex NASA Scientist: “Existence of Extraterrestrial Space Vehicles of Enormous Size & Power Is a Fact”
(Arjun Walia) When it comes to credible sources for the existence of UFOs, there is no shortage. The evidence for the existence of UFOs is overwhelming to say the least, whether it’s credible witness testimonies from thousands of high-ranking military personnel, academicians, scientists, astronauts, and politicians, or the millions of pages of UFO files published by dozens of governments, or platforms like Tom Delong’s To The Stars that has former high-ranking intelligence agency officials on their team. UFO disclosure within the mainstream world is occurring in many different ways.
David Icke — Saturn Isn’t What You Think It Is Either
David Icke — Saturn Isn’t What You Think It Is Either
Why Saturn’s Moon Iapetus Could Have Been Artificially Made By Extraterrestrials
(Arjun Walia) Our solar system is fascinating, to say the least, and there is still so much we don’t know about it. What makes one even more curious is knowing the organizations and people who operate at the highest levels of ‘security clearances’ probably know a whole lot more. That being said, if you’re independently curious, there are more than enough resources available to satisfy your curiosity, you will find a way to investigate. At the very least you could get access to the best telescope you have and stare at the other planets, our Moon, and the Moons of other planets.
Scientists Baffled by Giant Hexagon Towering Through Saturn’s Atmosphere
(Jake Anderson) A stunning discovery has scientists baffled by the second-largest planet in the solar system. Saturn, a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, contains a mysterious high-altitude hexagonal vortex in the upper atmosphere of its north pole. The new long-term study, facilitated by the international Cassini mission, reveals that this hexagon towers hundreds of miles into the stratosphere of the planet and is geometrically precise.