(Abby Liebing) It has been 110 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. However, despite the international community heavily sanctioning Russia in response, Russia’s oil revenue and currency are doing well.
Mainstream Media Acknowledges Biden’s “Arrogant” Sanctions On Russia Are Damning Americans
(Michael Robison) Since the very beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many have warned that the ill-begotten sanctions against Russia would have little effect on its economy but rather create harm to the American economy.
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Russia To Withdraw From International Space Station Over Sanctions
(Sophie Mann) Russia has announced it will leave the International Space Station due to the sanctions being imposed on Moscow over its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.
Russia and China Cement Relationship – Slam Biden’s “Illegal” Sanctions of Russia
(Joe Hoft) Russia and China cement their relationship and together claim that Biden’s sanctions against Russia are “Illegal”.
Video: Biden AGAIN Admits Sanctions Don’t Work After Announcing More Sanctions
(Steve Watson) At a NATO gathering in Brussels, Belgium Thursday, Joe Biden announced more sanctions against Russia before telling a reporter than he never said sanctions would work.
The Steep Cost of Sanctions for Europe and Russia
(Daniel Lacalle) The escalation of tension in Ukraine has reminded us of something many investors seemed to have forgotten: geopolitical risk. Sanctions and the inevitable drop in trade have proven to generate a significant negative impact on the different economies involved. We know from the 2014 Ukraine crisis that the economic hit is severe and persistent.
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Russia: It’s Too Late for Sanctions to Hurt Us
(John Hayward) Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that Russia is not worried about U.S. and European sanctions as punishment for invading Ukraine because Russia long ago gamed out every possible sanctions move and fortified its economy to withstand them.