(Makia Freeman) For centuries, the idea of a Jewish conspiracy has circulated, due in part to the observable concentration of Jewish power. But is it really Jewish? And how is it related to the ancient New World Order agenda for a centralized totalitarian One World Government?
Sabbatean cult
Rasputin and the Religion of Sin — Illuminati Philosophy Revealed
(Robert Sepehr) Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was a Russian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man who befriended the family of Tsar Nicholas II, the last monarch of Russia, and gained considerable influence in late imperial Russia.
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The House Of Saud and Deep State: Its Jewish (Sabbatean) Origin And Installation By The British Crown
TMR Editor’s Note:
The two exposés posted below in their entirety provide essential material regarding the true origin of the House of Saud, as well as vital background about the current monarchy ruling Saudi Arabia.
How the Illuminati (Luciferian Satanists) Infiltrated Religion, Secret Societies & Government and Hijacked Them from Within
(William Guy Carr) In 1784 Adam Weishaupt, a jesuit-trained professor of canon law, defected from christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University.
Illuminati Jewish Defector Described Horrifying Satanic Rituals
(Henry Makow Ph.D) In 1989, on national TV, a courageous young woman exposed the satanic forebears of the Illuminati cult that now dominates the world.
Bavarian Illuminati: From the Donmeh to the Wahhabi to the Shabetteans to the Jacobians to the Rothschilds
Bavarian Illuminati: From the Donmeh to the Wahhabi to the Shabetteans to the Jacobians to the Rothschilds
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WATCH: Lord Rothschild Explains How His Family Embraced Zionism, Created Israel
(Jay Syrmopoulos) The head of the Rothschild banking empire, and staunch supporter of Israel, Lord Jacob Rothschild, recently revealed the critical role of his family in the securing the Balfour Declaration, which “helped pave the way for the creation of Israel.” Related The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult — The Satanic Infiltration of the Western World Source […]
The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult — The Satanic Infiltration of the Western World
(Justin Deschamps) The Western world was invaded by a satanic ideology long ago. The machinations of these insidious groups influenced society for generations. The following is only a small sample of the hidden history of the past 500 years.