Source – Brian Kelly’s Blog Published on Mar 4, 2014 Transcript:… Index: 1. Ukraine, Federal Reserve Bankruptcy (00:45)2. Cabal’s attempt to Create Conflict in Ukraine (2:25)3. Fight for Oil & Jesuits Manipulation of Ukraine Protest (2:50)4. Certain Ukranian Bases Don’t Want to Surrender (4:00)5. Fulford: “Cabal Crossed the Red Line” (4:45)6. Geniune Protesters Inflitrated […]
Updated: Bank of International Settlements….BEing and Doing…? – This is why Heather’s banking Docs could not be honored (Input from Heather Ann Tucci)
Brian and Heather did a great job explaining what this means. Ill just reiderate that the filings are VALIDATED by this actions on the part of the former systems. They can’t on one hand, say they are invalid, while at the same time, attempt to us the OPPT filings to back the RV. All is […]
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Transparency: The GCR & RV : Exogen Update with my comments (by Dani of Removing the Shackles)
D does a great job expanding on the points in this RV update. We covered some of the conceptual underpinnings as to why the RV is part of the Bait and Switch of the Divines to usher in a more user friendly version of financial control. Personal Sovereignty is the guiding principle; being an intimate […]
The Border Cafe – A work of fiction (or is it?) by American Kabuki
This is a great short story by Bill, American Kabuki. Heather, over dinner, was discussing how the Energetic System works, Quarrying Eternal Essence to see if something will work; refereed to as A.I below. This post also highlights how the ‘Divines,’ or our would-be masters from another realm, are trying to maintain their plan for […]
Refreshing Rant from Joe on the ‘Divines’: Push the Damn Button!
Joe has been a frequent commentator on the blog since we started in July of 2013. Since then, his colorful and often intense comments have sometimes allowed me to share a contrasting opinion, with just as much color and vigor. Today, Joe has put a huge smile on my face. The following is the comment […]
Office of Poofness 1-30-14… “Love”
I too have been seeing significance around the 2/02/14 date. Right now its all just a gut feeling, and some rumor, but that in and of itself reflects something. Nothing in our experience is truly meaningless, there is almost always a relationship that we can personally find meaning in. The date 2/02/14 adds up to […]
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Fraud of the System: Basel Bestows a Break to the Banks, Belying Bankruptcy
Goes along well with the post The Twisted Tale of $200 Billion…. Now you see it…. now you…. opps!. Source – Removing the Shackles Very interesting folks!!! My highlights and comments in blue. Banks Get a Break on Leverage-Ratio Rules BASEL COMMITTEE SOFTENS TERMS OF REQUIREMENT MEANT TO ENSURE LENDERS’ SOUNDNESS Geoffrey T. Smith Updated Jan. 12, 2014 […]
Cobra Update – January 12, 2014: Fall of the Archons Update
Source – Hipknowsys There is a certain important operation of the Light forces taking place behind the scenes under strictest secrecy. Insiders have been instructed to release no significant intel until this is completed. That is the reason why apparently »nothing« is happening, except for usual Fukushima and Dinar / RV hype. The only thing I […]
Hope Girl Video with Andrew Bartzis – (IRAQI DINAR RV) An Energy Zapping LightWorker Psyop – Its a Skull ‘n Bones Scam
This goes well with the post RV/Gold Bait and Switch? – Secular Value vs Absolute Value – Hidden History of Gold. Source – Lightworkers XM HOPE GIRL & ANDREW BARTZIS 29th DECEMBER 2013 40 MINUTES VIDEO : MUST SEE & HEAR: YOU HAVE BEEN CONNED YET AGAIN AND THE TIME TO SULK IS NOT NOW: If […]
Morocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco (excerpt)
This post is originally from American Kabuki. There is much to the original post which may not seem ‘relevant’ but I would argue all things can be understood in a context of great meaning. That being said, I will follow D’s president and post the ‘important’ parts from Bills Diary. – Justin Source – American […]
China Has Quietly Accumulated 20,000 Metric Tons of Gold! (Full Report)
Source – Max Keiser – Financial War Reports There has not been a peek in Ft Knox for nearly 60 years. Empty of gold? Probably. Or spoken for (rehypothecated) 5 times over and that situation, if it’s a fact, would be a real crap storm since the claimants are probably central banks. Germany’s 300 tons of gold? […]
RTS: When Transparency Smacks you in the Face- Even the sleepers have to wake up!
Source In the past couple of weeks we’ve seen huge amounts of data and transparency being brought out to the people. I sat down last night and started reviewing the literally hundreds of links that the research team have pulled up in just the month of October so far and the task of trying to […]
SGT: Market Manipulation – “SILVER IS A TICKING TIME BOMB” – Jan Skoyles
Lots of good information discussed here. Seems like the data regarding manipulation of the markets for decades is finally coming to light. – Justin Published on Oct 3, 2013 This is a fun one, we visit with the one and only Jan Skoyles, writer and researcher for The Real Asset Co. Jan has a degree […]
Cobra 2012: Planetary Situation Update: The New Financial System 9.29.2013
This Cobra Update from the 29th of September 2013 has a lot of Data worth hearing. I don’t agree completely with Cobra, but its not about agreement. Its about what the Data reveals about ourselves. Ultimately the most complex deception or illusion is just the truth rearranged such that you think it is something it […]
American Kabuki: Banking Holiday in Panama Announced!
Source This morning the National Bank of Panama announced that it was suspending all services until Tuesday the 1st of October. The National Bank of Panama says that the reason is to upgrade systems. The Banking Holiday in Panama was announced this am. This system wide shutdown has country wide implications. The National Bank of […]