(Patrick Howley) The globalist Rothschild banking family’s investment group in Chicago recently increased its indirect position in Bitcoin by almost four times in the second quarter, according to the July 19 Rothschild Investment Corp second-quarter SEC filing. The Rothschild firm, still run by the infamous family that founded it in 1908, now owns 141,405 shares in Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, having added 103,059 shares since last quarter. Bitcoin has established itself as a strong alternative currency amid worldwide financial instability marked by currency inflation, gas shortages, Coronavirus-inspired supply chain disruptions, and potential food shortages.
Marine Le Pen: ‘Rothschild Puppet Macron Is Leading France Into a Civil War
(NWO Report) Le Pen made the comments following the publication of a recent letter written by active duty military personnel, which outlined how the soldiers had been “fighting Islamism” in dangerous countries abroad only for the President Macron to “(make) concessions on our soil.”
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CLAIM: European Royals Allegedly Killing Children in Human Hunting Parties — 4 Eyewitnesses Testify
(Judy Byington) This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
Whistleblower Nails Fauci, Rothschilds, Highlands Group, DARPA, DoD, Pirbright, Goldman Sachs, US Navy, US Air Force, US Army, CIA in Worldwide Bioterror
(AIM Truth) Wikipedia Hides All of Rothschild’s Massive Involvement in Early U.S. Biotech
Hitler Almost Joined the Communists in 1918 — He Was Recruited and Financed by the Cabalist Bankers to Start WW2
(Henry Makow) Hitler was a puppet put in power by the bankers he pretended to oppose to lead Germany to destruction. Wars are Cabalist central banker pogroms against the goyim. In the Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed writes that Hitler was taken prisoner in 1919 as a Communist serving as an emissary from Moscow.
Proof that the Rothschild-Controlled Central Banking Cartel is Behind Communism, War and NWO
(Henry Makow) As the New World Order (“globalism”) reveals its ugly face–censorship, gender dysphoria, migration– this article reveals who is behind it. Most politicians and media are bought by the people who create money out of nothing.
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Deep State Desperate? Rothschilds Liquidating Royal Heirlooms In Historic Auction
(Zero Hedge) The Rothschild banking family is auctioning off furniture and artifacts which once belonged to European monarchies, according to Bloomberg, which calls the July 4th liquidation a “royal summer yard sale.”
The Rothschilds and the ‘Holy Grail’ Bloodline
(David Livingstone) Jacob Rothschild, the current head of the Rothschild dynasty, has intermarried with theSinclair family, forging an important alliance between the head family of the Illuminati, and the supposed descendants of the Grail family.
Q Anon Connections: FISAGATE: It Was The Rothschilds | Serial Brain 2
Q Anon Connections: FISAGATE: It Was The Rothschilds | Serial Brain 2
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Prosecutors Accuse Rothschild-Connected Billionaire of Protecting Child Trafficking Sex Cult
(Matt Agorist) A New York Federal Judge is bringing in all the accused members of the sex trafficking cult after he found “issues” with a billionaire backed defense fund in their name.
Rothschilds Liquidate Last Piece of Land in Austria After 200 Years of Ownership
(Zero Hedge) After more than 200 years, the Rothschild family is leaving Austria – selling its last piece 7,000 hectares (17,300 acres) of forest in the Lower Austria region.
How the Illuminati (Luciferian Satanists) Infiltrated Religion, Secret Societies & Government and Hijacked Them from Within
(William Guy Carr) In 1784 Adam Weishaupt, a jesuit-trained professor of canon law, defected from christianity, and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University.
The Rothschild They Murdered: He Allegedly Strangled Himself with the Bathrobe Belt in a French Hotel
(Humans Are Free) People used the word “gentle” to describe Amschel Mayor James Rothschild.
Bavarian Illuminati: From the Donmeh to the Wahhabi to the Shabetteans to the Jacobians to the Rothschilds
Bavarian Illuminati: From the Donmeh to the Wahhabi to the Shabetteans to the Jacobians to the Rothschilds
Lord Jacob Rothschild Issues Warning: The New World Order is in Jeopardy
(Zero Hedge) Over the past three years, an unexpected voice of caution has emerged from one of the most legendary families in finance: Lord Jacob Rothschild.