(Matt Agorist) Though the fact checking madness began long before COVID-19, over the last two years, fact checking has seemingly been weaponized to defend the establishment’s narrative only. Challenge the status quo and you will be censored into oblivion by the system’s praetorian guard — never mind the fact that they have been wrong countless times.
Ron Paul
Rand Paul Vows Payback for Fauci: Senator Makes Promise to Biden’s Top Covid Doc If Republicans Take Senate
(Kyle Becker) Dr. Rand Paul has a promise for Dr. Anthony Fauci should the Republicans take the Senate and he is put in charge: Accountability is coming.
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RON PAUL: The Democrats’ January 6th Show Trials Threaten All Americans
(Mike LaChance) Former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul has always been a watchdog for freedom and liberty in America.
Ron Paul: No Vaccine for Tyranny
(Ron Paul) The World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that lockdowns cause more harm than good. Following this announcement, one would have expected American politicians to immediately end the lockdowns.
Ron Paul Suffers Medical Emergency Mid-Live Stream
(Amanda Prestigiacomo) Former U.S. Congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul suffered what reports have speculated to have been a stroke during a livestream on YouTube, Friday afternoon.
Ron Paul: Is The ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax?
(Ron Paul) Just a week or so ago the mainstream media and thousands representing the “medical community” told us we must throw out the “stay-at-home” orders and go to the streets to protest the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police. The Covid-19 virus will not bother people who are protesting this injustice, they said. The virus only attacks people leaving their homes to protest the stay-at-home orders.
Don’t Be so Scared by Media Reports about There Being Many New Coronavirus Cases
(Adam Dick) Media reports are relating that there have been in the last few days many new coronavirus cases in America, or in certain areas of the county. The reports often suggest that this is something about which people should be fearful.
Ron Paul: The Afghanistan War is the Crime of the Century
(Ron Paul) “We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan. We didn’t know what we were doing.” So said Gen. Douglas Lute, who oversaw the US war on Afghanistan under Presidents Bush and Obama. Eighteen years into the longest war in US history, we are finally finding out, thanks to thousands of pages of classified interviews on the war published by the Washington Post last week, that General Lute’s cluelessness was shared by virtually everyone involved in the war.
Ron Paul Asks: “Impeachment… Or CIA Coup?”
(Ron Paul) You don’t need to be a supporter of President Trump to be concerned about the efforts to remove him from office.
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The CIA’s “Intelligence Authorization Act” Would Criminalize Whistleblowers and Reporters
(MassPrivateI) A CIA written Bill called the Intelligence Authorization Act (SB 3153) would criminalize whistleblowers and reporters.
Ron Paul Warns A 50% Stock Market Decline Is Coming…And There’s No Way To Stop It
(Michael Snyder) Is Ron Paul about to be proven right once again? For a very long time, Ron Paul has been one of my political heroes. His willingness to stand up for true constitutional values and to keep saying “no” to the Washington establishment over and over again won the hearts of millions of American voters, and I wish that there had been enough of us to send him to the White House either in 2008 or in 2012.
Trump’s Tweets End the Myth of Fed Independence
(Ron Paul) President Trump’s recent Tweets expressing displeasure with the Federal Reserve’s (minor) interest rate increases led to accusations that President Trump is undermining the Federal Reserve’s independence. But, the critics ignore the fact that Federal Reserve “independence” is one of the great myths of American politics.
‘Another False Flag’: Fmr Congressman Ron Paul on Syrian Gas Attack
(Matt Agorist) Former congressman Ron Paul weighed in on the alleged gas attack which took place in Syria and noted how the deep state will use this likely false flag to push the US into another senseless war.
Ron Paul Issues Dire Warning: ‘Somebody’s Going to Use a False Flag to Start War’
(Matt Agorist) “Somebody’s going to use a false flag and someone is going to shoot down an airplane, just so this war gets started,” said the former Congressman. Related Ron Paul Interviewing Edward Snowden is the Best Thing You’ll See All Week Source – The Free Thought Project by Matt Agorist, September 27th, 2017 Former Congressman and presidential […]
We Must Declare Independence by Dr. Ron Paul
(Ron Paul) As Independence Day comes around again we should spend a few moments between barbecue and fireworks to think about the meaning of independence. The colonists who rebelled against the British Crown were, among other things, unhappy about taxation. Yet, as economist Gary North points out, the total burden of British imperial taxation was […]