Robert Sepehr Explores: Who Wrote the Bible? (Video)
Robert Sepehr
Meetings with the Gods (Video)
(Atlantean Gardens) According to ancient myths and legends from antiquity, an advanced sea faring civilization established colonies around the world, introducing agriculture to hunter gatherers on both sides of the Atlantic, usually intermarrying into the tribes and becoming their nobility, leaving behind a cultural and genetic legacy that often resulted in deification.
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The Emerald Tablet of Thoth/Hermes
(Atlantean Gardens) Hermeticism is a philosophical tradition that gets its name from Hermes Trismegistus, a word which means thrice-greatest Hermes. Hermes in ancient Greek mythology was the emissary or messenger of the Gods, able to move freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, associated with the planet Mercury, as well as the caduceus, which is the famous symbol of a winged staff intertwined with two snakes.
Prehistoric Hobbit Village Discovered
(Robert Sepehr) Much of the real Irish, Scottish, and even British history has been lost and is no longer taught, but parts remain in European myths and legend. Long before Stonehenge, or most of the Egyptian pyramids were built, a thriving village existed in Scotland. One day, a farmer on the island of Orkney, found a large stone that didn’t look like it belonged in its environment. When the farmer flipped over the stone, he was shocked at what he discovered underneath, a hidden and lost village that existed over 5,000 years ago.
Before The Flood: Atlantis and Antediluvian Anthropology (Video)
(Robert Sepehr) Over 2,000 years ago, a wise Egyptian priest named Sonchis told a respected Greek statesman, Solon, about a spectacular legend recorded on stone, translated to Greek from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, about powerful sea-faring empires, massive global cataclysms, and a great war of the Titans.
The Legend of Beowulf
(Atlantean Gardens) One of the most important works of Old English literature, Beowulf is an epic poem consisting of over 3,000 lines, beautifully written in alliterative verse. Set in Scandinavia, Beowulf was the hero of a northern Germanic tribe, in what is now southern Sweden, who comes to the aid of a Danish king, who came under attack by Grendel, a descendant of the Biblical Cain.
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Ancient Origins of the Heart (❤) Symbol
(Robert Sepehr) Love’s most universally accepted symbol, the one we most commonly associate with a heart, doesn’t really resemble the organ it is said to represent, so what is this symbol’s (❤) true ancient origins?
Goddess of the Underworld — Secret History of the Vatican
(Robert Sehepr) In Greek mythology, the underworld is where souls go after death. The original Greek idea of afterlife is that, at the moment of death, the soul is separated from the corpse, taking on the shape of the former person, and is transported to the entrance of the underworld.
Germanic Myth, Legend, and Unsolved Mystery — Psychic Power, Moral Philosophy, and Time Travel?
(Robert Sepehr) Lebus is a small town in eastern Germany, near Frankfort, located on the west bank of the Oder river at the modern border with Poland.
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Erik the Red Norse Viking Settlements
(Robert Sepehr) Erik Thorvaldsson, known as Erik the Red, was a Norwegian Viking, remembered in medieval and Icelandic saga sources as having founded the first Norse settlement in Greenland. His son, Leif Erikson was credited as the first known European to have discovered North America. Studies have found that almost all ivory traded throughout Europe in Medieval times came from Greenland walruses, which became extinct due to overhunting, contributing to the abandonment of Viking the settlements.
A Titanic Story about the Federal Reserve Bank
(Robert Sepehr) Jekyll Island is located off the coast of the U.S. state of Georgia, where in 1910 some of America’s most influential bankers gathered for a secret meeting to plan the country’s monetary policy and establish a central banking system, which resulted in the draft legislation for what eventually became the creation of of the Federal Reserve act.
Ancient Etruscan Origins, History, and Culture
(Robert Sehepr) The Etruscan civilization flourished in central Italy starting around 900 BC, with assimilation into the Roman society, beginning in the late 4th century BC. Although the Etruscans developed a system of writing borrowed from Greek script, the Etruscan language remains only partly understood, making modern interpretation of their society and culture heavily dependent on much later and generally disapproving Roman and Greek sources.
Hidden History of the Holocene
(Robert Sepehr) Anthropologically speaking, human pre-history is divided up into certain segments, some minor and some major, but none more important than the division between the Pleistocene, which includes the time most popularly known as the ice age, and the Holocene, which is our current age for the past 10-12,00 years or so, a time following some major global cataclysms, upheavals, and mass extinctions.
Legend of Melusine and the Royal Houses of Europe
Legend of Melusine and the Royal Houses of Europe
Irish Myth, Legend, and St Patrick’s Purgatory
(Robert Sepehr) St Patrick’s Purgatory is an ancient pilgrimage site on Station Island in Lough Derg, County Donegal, Ireland. According to legend, the site dates from the fifth century, and in modern times a monastery sits over the portal some have called a gateway to Hell.