(Ryan DeLarme) It’s no state secret that Big-Tech is in cahoots with the establishment left, anyone who’s been observing the sociopolitical landscape for the last half-decade can tell you that. Recently, Google may have taken its bias and double standards to new lows.
JUST IN: RNC Votes To Formally Censure and “No longer support” RINO Reps Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney “as members of the Republican Party” [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) Republican lawmakers who supported the impeachment of President Trump are dealing with the repercussions in the aftermath of their votes to side with unhinged Democrats whose only goal was to prevent Trump from ever running for President again. Traitors like Rep. Liz Cheney were censured from the Republican Party in her home state of Wyoming, while others are like Rep Adam Kinzinger, the young Republican Representative from Illinois is facing backlash from his own family.
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RNC to Sue Biden Regime over Unconstitutional Covid “Vaccine” Mandates
(Ethan Huff) The Republican National Committee (RNC) has announced plans to sue the Biden regime for unconstitutionally mandating that all federal, contract and large private corporation employees get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to keep their jobs.
FBI Releases New Footage of Suspect Who Placed Pipe Bombs at DNC, RNC Using Cell Phone… But They Still Can’t ID? (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) The FBI on Wednesday released new footage of the suspect who placed pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters in DC on January 5.
PATHETIC. RNC Releases New Report Confirming Democrat Election Cheating After Abandoning Trump and Telling NY Times in February They Regretted Claims of Fraud Back
(Jim Hoft) The RNC released a report on Thursday confirming election cheating by Democrats in the 2020 election.
Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Demands RNC Chair Resign – Claims They Abandoned Trump Then Lied About It
(JD’s Curated Links) Jenna Ellis, the former attorney for President Trump, accused the Republican National Committee (RNC) of lying about a story claiming the group’s chief counsel questioned electoral fraud claims, prompting Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to block her on Twitter.
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DISGUSTING FLASHBACK: Mitt Romney Niece, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Tells Anti-Trump NYTs She Regrets Allowing Giuliani and Powell To Make Claims About Voter Fraud
(Patty McMurray) 100 Percent Fed Up – On the eve of the November 2016 election, an official with MI GOP, under the direction of MI GOP Chair Ronna Romney-McDaniel, placed an important phone call to MI GOP grassroots leader, Marian Sheridan of the MI Conservative Coalition. As Romney-McDaniel (she had not yet dropped Romney from her name) made her way to Trump’s final campaign rally of the season in Grand Rapids, MI, where she was set to be featured speaker, her office was frantically looking for election day poll challengers. The call from Romney-McDaniel’s office was urgent—she needed Marian Sheridan to find as many volunteers as possible to watch votes being processed at the TCF Center in less than 24 hours. The truth is, the Romney-McDaniels, the leader of the MI GOP had dropped the ball and didn’t have a single Republican poll challenger scheduled to work on election day, in Wayne County, a Democrat stronghold, and the largest ballot-counting facility in Michigan.
GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel Blocks Trump Election Lawyer Jenna Ellis on Twitter After News Breaks on RNC Attorney’s Election Lies
(Jim Hoft) In March 2021 President Trump sent a cease-and-desist letter to the RNC demanding that they quit using his name to fundraise.
Top Trump Campaign Insider Speaks Out – “RNC Did Not Want Us to Fight for the President – They Collected $220 Million for Legal Fees – Where Did It Go?”
(Jim Hoft) President Trump did his part to secure a landslide victory on election night. But those leaders from the RNC failed him. Boy, did they ever.
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‘Who The F**k Do You Think You Are?’ Giuliani Went Off On RNC Chief Counsel For Questioning Trump’s Election Theories, Book Says
(Ian Cheong) A forthcoming book by Michael Wolff purports to cast light on the inner workings of the Trump administration, through the thick and thin of former President Donald Trump’s term in office — and Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis is confirming Wolff’s account of an instance where Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, told the RNC chief counsel to resign for questioning the former President’s election claims.
THEY LIED: Capitol Police Bomb Squad Responded To RNC Hours Before ‘Pipe Bomb’ Report Was Called In, Sources
(TOM PAPPERT) The bomb squad was present at the RNC three hours before the “pipe bomb” was reported.
4Chan Appears To Have ID’d The Portland BLM Shooter Who Killed A Trump Supporter, Let COPS Handle It (Video)
4Chan Appears To Have ID’d The Portland BLM Shooter Who Killed A Trump Supporter, Let COPS Handle It (Video)
RNC 2020: Former DNI Ric Grenell Goes There — RIPS Obama-Biden for Spying on and Sabotaging Trump Campaign and Transition Team (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) What an incredible RNC 2020 convention. And what an incredible night!
Leftist PBS Journalist Slams Young Paralyzed GOP Candidate Standing At RNC To Recite Pledge Of Allegiance. Social Media Erupts.
(Hank Berrien) Madison Cawthorn, 25, the young GOP candidate for North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, spoke Wednesday at the Republican National Convention from his wheelchair, as he has been paralyzed since the age of 18 from a car accident. At the end of his speech, Cawthorn, with the help of two men on either side of him, slowly rose to his feet to recite a brief portion of the Pledge of Allegiance.
“But I Would Not Be Cancelled!” – AMAZING! Covington Catholic’s Nick Sandmann Tells His Story for the First Time at the RNC Convention (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Former Covington Catholic High School Student Nick Sandmann finally told his story tonight at the RNC 2020 Convention.