(News Editors) Following news that The Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘disinformation governance board’ will be headed by a woman who says free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation, Republicans called for the body to be scrapped, labelling it a ‘monstrosity’.
Canada Health Chief Suggests Vaccines and Mask-Wearing Be Made Voluntary
(Mary Villareal) The deputy chief epidemiologist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, Dr. Howard Njoo, is now suggesting that vaccination and mask-wearing should be voluntary. He explained that governments would be better off doing so than coercing people into doing things.
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The U.S. Is Destroying Its Own Health Care Infrastructure by Attacking the People Who Remember What Medicine Means
(Ethan Huff) The medical profession is fast becoming an unattractive prospect to young people, many of whom are not at all interested in become just another Big Pharma pawn.
Half of America Gearing up to Wage Legal War Against Biden Over Unconstitutional Covid Vaccine Mandates
(Ethan Huff) At least 24 states, or roughly half of the country, is planning to unleash hell against the Biden regime over its unconstitutional Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates.
Vaccine Mandate in Ecuador Province Defeated by Health Freedom Organization
(Arsenio Toledo) A government-backed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandate in the Loja Province of Ecuador was defeated on Aug. 5.