(Joe Hoft) The horrors of Doctor Fauci continue. This man is a nightmare.
Common Plastic Additive Linked to Fertility Problems
(Virgilio Marin) A study published in the journal PLOS Genetics found that exposure to the plastic additive diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) could cause fertility problems. Led by Harvard Medical School researchers, the study showed that DEHP increases breaks in the DNA during egg production and impairs cells’ ability to repair these breaks.
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Japanese Researchers Use Soybean Compound to Turn Male Fish Into Females
(Paul Joseph Watson) A team of researchers in Japan has succeeded in using a compound found in soybeans similar in effect to female hormones to turn male catfish into females.
Hhs Document Reveals Us Government Involved in Funding Research to “Create, Transfer or Use” Pandemic Pathogens
(Lance D Johnson) After Dr. Anthony Fauci was caught lying about NIH involvement in coronavirus gain-of-function research, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) revealed a government document called the “Framework for Guiding Funding Decisions about Proposed Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens.”
Can Experimental mRNA Vaccines Act As Bio-weapons and Transmit Coronavirus Spike Proteins to the Unvaccinated?
(Lance D Johnson) After Pfizer skipped animal trials for their new mRNA coronavirus vaccine, they began using various doses of foreign mRNA to experiment on human test subjects. This foreign vaccine mRNA stops the innate transcription process in human cells, providing new instructions for protein synthesis which basically overwrites the innate genetic expression from the body’s own DNA.
A Secret Too Big to Expose? Hidden Toxins Ignored by the Mainstream
(Justin Deschamps) No matter who you are, you care about your health—almost everyone does. Heavy metals are a form of toxins that, in modern times, we’re discovering just how much they damage our health. From chronic pain, low energy, and many other problems, heavy metals are proven to be an undeniable contributor.
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New Study Shows Honeybee Venom ‘Rapidly Destroys’ Some Cancer Cells
(Matt Agorist) Honeybees have long provided humans with vital tools for our survival like the pollination of fruits and vegetables as well as honey which has medicinal and antibiotic properties. A new study published this month in the journal npj Precision Oncology reveals that the role of honeybees in helping humans may have just taken a massive live-saving step forward.
Germany Starts Universal Basic Income Trial Giving Some Citizens $1400 A Month For 3 Years
(Arjun Walia) Germany is starting a universal basic income trial where volunteers will get a $1400 dollar payment every single month as part of a study that will compare the experiences of 120 volunteers who receive it to 1,380 people who won’t. A total of 140,000 people have come together to help fund the study after the idea of a universal basic income continues to gain popularity. Germany is not the only country who has begun such initiatives, Finland also did something similar a few years ago, and proponents of the initiative believe it would improve peoples’ lives and reduce inequality, among other things. Opposition arguments to this type of initiative suggest that it would simply be unaffordable, too expensive and also discourage work.
University Researcher Forced Out for Highlighting Facts Showing No Racial Bias in Police Shootings
(Steve Watson) A senior researcher at Michigan State University was effectively fired after sharing facts from a study conducted last year that conclusively proved there is no widespread racial bias in police shootings.
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New Intermittent Fasting Program Shown to Suppress Cancer and Metabolic Disease in Mice and Humans
(Andy Corbley) As scientists become more and more fascinated by the surprising health benefits of fasting, yet another intriguing new study emphasizes the importance of when we are eating, rather than what we are eating.
Were in a Marxist Revolution | Down the Deep State Rabbit-Hole with Amazing Polly (Video)
Were in a Marxist Revolution | Down the Deep State Rabbit-Hole with Amazing Polly (Video)
Scientists Just Identified a Universal ‘Genetic Formula’ For Monogamy
(Peter Dockdrill) What makes a species monogamous? New research has uncovered evidence of a universal genetic code that underlies monogamy in vertebrates.
Where to Find Complete Libraries Online for FREE (and a New Website to Check Out)
(Anonymous 411) The libraries presented in this article were first discussed in the comments of the Part 9 article and need to be presented in their own article.