(B.N. Frank) Before there were fitness trackers (also known as Activity Trackers) most people didn’t rely on devices to measure their physical activity or the intricate biological details associated with that activity. Increasing one’s physical activity was typically as simple as spending more time being physically active. No expensive measuring trackers required.
Research Shows Fish Oil Supplements Boost The Effectiveness Of Cancer Treatments
(Dr Leonard Coldwell) Taking fish oil supplements regularly can help boost your overall well-being, including your heart health and mental health. New research also suggests that fish oil supplements can improve the effectiveness of cancer treatments.
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These 5 Studies Reveal a Disturbing Trend: Researchers Presenting Conclusions That Don’t Match the Data
(Josh Mitteldorf and Madhava Setty, MD) A troubling new trend is arising in published science. Why aren’t the conclusions matching the data? Are the authors trying to tell us something important?
RESEARCH: Manuka Honey Contains Natural Antiviral Compounds That Fight Influenza (and COVID)
(Ethan Huff) New research published in the journal Archives of Medical Research shows that manuka honey is a powerful natural remedy against influenza and other associated diseases – including the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Investigation Proves Pfizer Vaccine Offers Less Than 1% Protection Against COVID-19
(Arsenio Toledo) An investigation by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) has found that Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine only has an efficacy rate of 0.84 percent. They added that Pfizer’s vaccine has done “more harm than good.”
COVID Vaccines Alter Women’s Periods
(Ethan Huff) New research has confirmed that women who get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) might experience delayed periods as a side effect.
Bill Gates Funded Research Finds Ivermectin Is Safe To Use Months After It Was Maligned By Media And Government
(Adam Wilson) After some people started using Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19 symptoms, the media and government engaged in a vicious campaign to discredit the treatment and attack people who used it. Now, research funded by Bill and Melinda Gates found that Ivermectin causes no significant negative side effects. The Gateway Pundit Reports–
The Latest Research Puts the Final Nail in the Coffin for Deniers of ‘Natural Immunity’ to Covid
(Kyle Becker) It is one of the great mysteries of the pandemic: Why have mainstream journalists, public health officials, and America’s elected leaders ignored “natural immunity” to Covid from prior infections?
Risk of Heart Inflammation Is Higher From Moderna Vaccine Than From COVID-19 Among People Under 40
(Cassie B.) When people express concerns about the risk of heart inflammation from COVID-19 vaccines, the prevailing media narrative tends to be that it is also possible to develop heart problems from a COVID infection. Although this may be true, a new study shows that the risk of developing heart inflammation from Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in particular in those who are younger than 40 is actually higher than their chances of developing it because of the virus.
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JJ Vaccine Found To Produce ZERO Antibodies Against Omicron Strain… Vaccine Is Now Worthless
(Lance D Johnson) The latest coronavirus variant the world is supposed to bow down to is called “omicron.” Every season, fear is given a new name, but the symptoms of infectious disease stay the same. There has been very little progress in public health over the past two years because policies of terror, isolation and government subservience are the ruling doctrine.
Research on Kids’ Exposure to Screens and Smartphones Literally Doesn’t Paint a Pretty Picture
(B.N. Frank) Research has determined that children’s use of smartphones and other screens as well as their exposure to blue light, cell phone and Wi-Fi radiation and other Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) is harmful to their health. American Academy of Pediatrics and other health experts have been warning about this for years. In fact, American tech insiders (aka “Silicon Valley Parents”) have taken considerable measures to limit their own kids’ use and exposure to screens. This has included sending them to private low-tech or no-tech schools, requiring nannies to sign “No Screens” contracts, and spying on nannies to make sure they don’t break them (see 1, 2).
Ever Been Lost in the Grocery Store? Researchers Are Closer to Knowing Why It Happens
(Science Daily) Imagine you’re walking through a chain supermarket, headed for the dairy section.
New Study Shows Vaccines Have Plunged From 88% Effectiveness Against COVID Infections to Just 13% in Mere Months
(Lance D Johnson) A new study published in Science finds that real-world vaccine effectiveness against covid-19 has plunged from 88 percent to just 13 percent in mere months. The study, “SARS-CoV-2 vaccine protection and deaths among US veterans during 2021” shows that vaccine efficacy studies are fraudulent and do not convey real world results. A whistleblower who worked on the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine studies even confessed to data integrity issues in the British Medical Journal.
Research Surprise: Embrace of CRT, ‘Diversity’ Agendas in Schools Not Correlated With Race
(Greg Piper) Pilot study of San Diego County school districts finds many dominated by “underrepresented minorities” eschew these controversial concepts.
How Zinc Can Boost Your Immune Health
(News Editors) Zinc is essential for the normal development and function of your immune system, as it protects against susceptibility to pathogens, mediates natural killer cells, activates T-lymphocytes, regulates macrophages, and is central to DNA replication.