(Jack Davis) Some nightmares end up with happy endings.
WATCH: Coast Guard Recognizes Texas Man for Rescuing Trapped Motorist from Houston Ship Channel
(Nick Gilbertson) A Texas man, who selflessly jumped into the Houston Ship Channel on New Year’s Eve and successfully saved a motorist who had driven his car into the water, was recognized for his heroism by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) on Friday.
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Bridge Collapses in Pittsburgh, Resulting Is Daring Rescue Efforts, Ahead of Biden Visit to City
(Just The News) Accident occurred about two hours before President Biden was set to visit the city
Texas: Man Jumps in Water and Rescues Motorist from Sinking Car, ‘Undoubtedly’ Saving His Life
(Nick Gilbertson) Authorities in Texas say a man saved a 63-year-old male motorist from drowning after his vehicle drove off of a ferry dock and plunged into a body of water.
Social Media Erupts After What Joe Biden Did To His Rescue Dog
(Jonathan Davis) Social media users are blasting President Joe Biden this week after the White House posted a photo of him with a purebred three-month-old German Shepard pup named Commander.
Former Special Forces Personnel Stay Behind in Afghanistan to Rescue People Biden Left Behind
(Cameron Arcand) Even though the Biden administration has stopped its efforts to evacuate people from Afghanistan, private citizens are working around the clock to rescue those who have been left behind.
Japan Is Latest Country to Dispatch Self-Defense Force Plane to Afghanistan to Rescue Citizens as Biden Fails Free World
(Jim Hoft) Japan sent a Self-Defense Force plane to Afghanistan on Monday to rescue Japanese citizens in the country.
At Least 22 Confirmed Dead in Tennessee Flooding, Crews Likely Faced More with Recovery than Rescue
(Just The News) All of the confirmed deaths occurred in the the state’s Humphreys County.
Monsters: Citing Tyrannical Covid Restrictions, Australian Government Officials Shoot and Kill Rescue Dogs That Were Set to Be Picked Up By Animal Shelter
(Julian Conradson) In a truly sick display of authority, Australian government officials in New South Wales decided to murder several impounded dogs because of the country’s tyrannical Covid restrictions, despite them being scheduled to be picked up by an animal shelter.
AOC Gets Heckled By Her Own Crowd – Has To Be Rescued By Staff To Avoid Answering Questions [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-D) is so full of herself (among other things), that she thinks she can just show up to events, surrounded by her adoring base, and never have to offer them anything more than just a meaningless word salad, replete with empty Democrat talking points.
AG Bill Barr Announces Nationwide Plan to Combat Crisis of Missing and Slain Native American Women
(Sean Walton) Attorney General William Barr announced a nationwide plan Friday to address the crisis of missing and slain Native American women as concerns mount over the level of violence they face.
Woman Rescues Nearly 100 Dogs In The Bahamas During Hurricane Dorian
(John Vibes) Days after the catastrophic Hurricane Dorian left a path of destruction in the Bahamas, many residents of the islands have been left with nothing. There were few structures left standing on many of the islands after the slow-moving hurricane hovered over the region with record-setting winds, and much of the coastal areas were submerged in water.