(Cassandra Fairbanks) Fox News host Tucker Carlson asserted that dead people did in fact vote in the 2020 election during his show on Wednesday evening.
Sidney Powell: Likelihood that 3% of Vote Total Was Changed in Pre-Election Counting Connected to Hammer and Scorecard (VIDEO)
Sidney Powell and Tom Fitton joined Lou Dobbs on Friday night to discuss the latest developments in the 2020 election.
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PA USPS Official Willing To Testify Under Oath Over Ballot-Backdating
(Joseph Jankowski) A Pennsylvania United States Postal Service worker says they are willing to testify under oath over an apparent ballot backdating scheme that has played out at the public mail service, reports Jame’s O’Keefe of Project Veritas.
Figures Don’t Lie, But Liars Figure: Unemployment Figures Dramatically Favor Republican-Led States
(Ned Barnett) August’s unemployment figures, just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, paint a remarkably consistent picture that correlates – almost uncannily – between low unemployment rates in states led by Republican governors and high unemployment rates in states led by Democratic governors. Drawing national conclusions from the unemployment statistics for all fifty states, those Republican-led states that have tried to follow President Trump’s lead in reopening America are doing much better in terms of unemployment than are states likely to support Biden in November. Former Vice President Biden, while repeatedly complaining about President Trump’s actions in fighting COVID, has yet to articulate a coherent COVID policy.