(Steve Watson) “Sounds like a painful transition”.
Jen Psaki Heckled By Furious Reporter On Her Last Day On The Job
(Carmine Sabia) White House press secretary Jen Psaki had an eventful final briefing as she was heckled off the podium on her last day.
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Ron DeSantis Goes Into Seek-and-Destroy Mode on Journalist at a Live Press Conference
(Kyle Becker) Governor Ron DeSantis humiliated a journalist who attempted to ask him a ‘gotcha’ question about the press’s imaginary ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation.
CNN Reporter Struggles to Explain Biden’s Behavior as He Confuses COVID Tests for Pills
(Mike Landry) A CNN reporter thinks there’s something wrong with President Biden.
‘Absolutely Inexcusable’: Jen Psaki Flips Out on Reporters Grilling Her
(Martin Walsh) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was peppered with questions from reporters about the feud between the Biden administration and West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin.
Biden Regime Sends Talking Points to Reporters Touting 2021 Accomplishments
(Cristina Laila) The Biden Regime sent talking points to reporters touting a list of 2021 accomplishments.
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Reporter Asks Kamala Harris ‘Will This Be The Most Expensive Christmas In History?
(Jonathan Davis) A reporter asked Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday if the current rates of inflation, which rose to 6.2 percent last month, are going to make the coming holiday season “the most expensive” in history, but she refused to directly answer.
Weird: Biden Yells And Points At Reporter Who Calls Him out For Lying
(Steve Watson) Getting caught out brings out the inner tyrant
“The Most Difficult Decision of My Life”…ESPN Reporter Warns Americans After Leaving Her Job Over Vaccine Mandate [Video]
(Leisa Audette) Allison Williams recently explained to Tucker Carlson about the “most difficult decision” of her life when she decided to quit her job at ESPN because of the vaccine mandate. She explained that this runs much deeper than just being opposed to the vaccine mandate. She believes it’s more sinister than that.
ESPN Reporter Allison Williams Leaving Company Over Covid Vaccine Mandate (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) ESPN reporter Allison Williams announced this weekend she is leaving the company over the Covid vaccine mandate.
‘There’s No Reason To Yell’: Psaki Clashes With Reporter Over New Hunter Biden Questions
(Martin Walsh) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dodged questions about Hunter Biden’s ownership stake in a Chinese government-linked investment firm.
“Are You Serious? Come On, Man!” Joe Biden Snaps at Reporter Asking Why He Can’t Unite the Democrat Party (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden scrambled up to Capitol Hill on Friday to meet with members of the Democrat Caucus to discuss the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill currently stuck in the House.
Politico Reporter Confirms Biden Family Corruption in Buried Emails: ‘There’s Other Genuine Material Here’
(Kyle Becker) Politico has caught up with the New York Post and conservative outlets and is confirming that the Hunter Biden laptop is “real.” But one Politico reporter is going even further by shining a light on underreported material.
Jen Psaki Snaps At Reporter After Antibody Question
(Carmine Sabia) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki can get somewhat testy when she is asked a question she does not like, and that happened again this week.
Reporter Confronts Psaki About “Shallow and Scripted” Meeting Joe Biden Had with Dead Marine’s Pregnant Widow (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) A reporter confronted White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday about Joe Biden’s “shallow and scripted” meeting with one of the dead Marine’s pregnant widow.