I haven’t had a chance to dig into all these documents yet, but when Brian and I were reviewing them this morning, they were clearly for dispelling any Tacitusly acquired consent from the former systems. In other words, the former systems Presume 12 essential Presumptions which they use to assert your incompetence and nearly all of […]
remove presumptions
How to do a Proper Refusal for Cause (Dispel Contractual Acceptance Presumption)
Thank you Trent of http://freedomfromgovernment.us/ for all your hard work. I have not tried this yet myself, if you have had or are having success please let us know! Source Refused for cause example This is quite the complex process, simple though it is, simply because one needs to have irrefutable proof that any presentment has […]
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Un-Consent from Contracts – Reclaiming your Estate and acting as a ‘Living’ Being
Thank you Angel Lucci for pointing this out to me. This video has a lot of history and how this all relates to your birth certificate and your estate. You have a birthright which was given up by your parents when they registered you for birth. This video discusses how to Un-Consent from contracts, what […]