(Chris Tomlinson) The European Union border agency Frontex has claimed that more Ukrainian refugees are now returning to their country than leaving it despite the ongoing conflict with Russia.
Brits Told to Reduce Living Standards as Government Spends £4.7 Million Per Day on Housing Refugees in Hotels
(Paul Joseph Watson) 25,000 asylum seekers being housed in hotel accommodation.
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Biden Brings Over Afghan Refugees with the Measles, Thousands Now Must Be Tested
(Samantha Chang) The catastrophic fallout of President Joe Biden’s Afghanistan disaster continues to sprout sickening tentacles that endanger Americans.
FACT: CDC Has Been Giving Incoming “Refugees” Ivermectin since 2019 Because It Works to Halt Viral Infections
(Ethan Huff) For the past three years, the federal government has been prescribing ivermectin to all refugees entering the country from the Middle East, Asia, North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Dinesh D’Souza Explains Why The Biden Administration is Rejecting Cuban Refugees
(Ian Cheong) The Biden administration’s handling of the ongoing Cuban crisis, which has seen thousands take to the streets to protest against the communist Cuban regime in the name of freedom, leaves much to be desired.
Combating ‘Whiteness’, Boulder Has Imported Syrian Refugees Like Ahmad Al-Issa Since 2015
(Gabriel Keane) Liberal activists lamented the city’s “crushingly white” demographics, and the City Council strove to fix the “whiteness” problem by importing Syrian Muslims.