(Nathaniel Charles) Figures released Wednesday reveal upwards of one million refugees are fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, alongside an estimated 2000 civilian fatalities.
VIDEO: Trashed UN Pamphlets Found In Mexico Tell Illegal Immigrants How To Get Refugee Status In America
(Tom Pappert) Border Hawk reporter Wid Lyman recently traveled to Acuña, Mexico, an entry point for illegal immigrants entering the United States, and discovered United Nations pamphlets among packets that instructed migrants how to make their way to the United States, then enter the the country under an often false claim of refugee status.
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Female Boat Captain Facing 20 Years In Prison For Rescuing Drowning Refugees
(John Vibes) Pia Klemp, a 35 year old German boat captain, is facing up to 20 years in prison for rescuing refugees who were drowning in the Mediterranean Sea. Klemp is accused by authorities in Italy, for “assisting in illegal immigration,” and if convicted, she will serve her sentence in an Italian prison.
German Government Accused of Spreading Propaganda Brochure That Trained Children to Spy on Their Parents
(Infowars) The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs in Germany has been accused of funding a brochure for kindergarten teachers that encourages children to spy on their “right-wing” parents.
The Refugee Crisis – Germany Can’t Find 50% of those They Now Want to Deport
(Martin Armstrong) Merkel’s nightmare is simply beyond description. Now that Europe is trying to at least deport some of these pretend “refugee” migrants from North Africa, the shocking reality is starting to surface.
The Appalling Horrors of the Soros Immigration Program in Europe; Jeff Rense & Dr. Leonard Coldwell—Must Listen [videos]
(BP) Something the lamestream media in America is not revealing is the devastation of Europe from NON-SYRIAN immigrants. The “sub-humans” as Jeff calls them and as I have often referred to them and others in the fading power structure, are not war refugees from Syria as the controllers would have us believe. Related The Rising […]