(Adam Goldberg) Measuring the rising and falling tides of ice at the poles of our planet is a much more difficult task than one might expect. When it comes to measuring ice growth or loss, and trying to figure out what might happen next, it is said that scientists need as much data as they can get.
California Wildfire Rips Through Nuclear Waste Site, Fueling Concerns of Airborne Radioactive Toxins
(RT News) Environmental activists are voicing their concern that the government is downplaying the effects of the fire on a nuclear waste site that could be spreading radioactive waste.
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How EMF from Bluetooth Ear Pieces Can Affect Your Eyes, Ears, Brain and Body
(B.N. Frank) Many people who use Bluetooth technology to connect their devices may have no idea that exposure has been linked to brain tumors as well as dizziness, sleep issues, anxiety, depression, birth defects and more. This is because Bluetooth emits the same RadioFrequency (RF) radiation as a microwave oven that cooks food. Decades of research has already proven exposure to all sources of RF (cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation) is harmful. The Radiation Health Risks website has some great articles and videos about Bluetooth:
5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves as Pentagon Crowd Control System
(Terence Newton) The global rollout of 5G is well underway, and we soon may see new small cell towers near all schools, on every residential street, dispersed throughout the natural environment, and pretty much everywhere. But the safety of this technology is in serious question, and there is a raging battle to stop the taxpayer funded implementation of 5G.
More Schools Are Converting Back to Safer Wired Internet. Free Documentary “Wi-Fried” Details Why
(B.N. Frank) There is still no safe level of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation exposure that has been scientifically determined for children and pregnant women. This is why an increasing number of schools in the U.S. and overseas are replacing wireless (WiFi) internet with safer wired internet. Many doctors have been recommending this for a while now. Regardless, this is not coming easily everywhere.
Shocking Study Finds That Mobile Devices Can Zap Your Memory
(Isabelle Z.) When you see teenagers glued to their cell phones while out and about, it’s natural to wonder what this constant use of technology is doing to their health and well-being. Much has been made of the negative effects that heavy social media use can have on young people’s self-esteem, for example, and a new study points to yet another way that cell phones are harming the minds of adolescents.
Radiation from Wi-fi and Cell Phones Increases Pregnant Women’s Risk of Miscarriage by Nearly 50%
(Frances Bloomfield) Magnetic field (MF) non-ionizing radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that comes from cell phones, power lines, and other wireless devices. It’s also long been thought of as a health hazard, with genetic damage and cancer being but a few of the supposed health risks. However, a team from the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research has uncovered another: They found that MF radiation exposure can increase the risk of miscarriages by almost 50 percent.
Can Putting Your Phone Into Airplane Mode Help Reduce Radiation Exposure?
(Ralph Flores) These days, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t own a mobile phone of some kind. In its latest research, the Pew Research Center estimates that at least 95 percent of all Americans own a mobile phone. In recent years, the number of people who own a smartphone had also increased: From 35 percent – back in 2011 when the survey was first conducted – to currently 77 percent.
Cell Phone Towers Rigged as Mind Influencing Directed Energy Weapons
(Omni) This quest for truth has lead me to a possibility that cell phone towers have been very likely double rigged as directed energy weapons. Related Newsweek Is The Latest to Warn about Cell Phone Radiation, WiFi, and 5G Technology Causing Harm Source – Humans are Free by Omni, May 17th, 2018 According to the 20th century Neuroscientist […]
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How Your Cell Phone Can Make You Unattractive and Ruin Your Relationships: Acne, Impotence, Premature Aging, Reduced Impulse Control, and More
(BN Frank) On March 28, Sowetan Live published their article, “Acne, infections: your cellphone could be giving you bad skin.” The article provides all the juicy details, pun intended. Related Acne’s location on your body could reveal specific health issues — Treat it holistically Source – The Daily Sheeple by BN Frank, April 2nd, 2018 Since cell phones were found to be […]
Shielding EMFs Found to Reduce 90% of Symptoms in People with Autoimmune Disease
(Jhoanna Robinson) Revolutionary research has shown that hindering exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90 percent of patients with autoimmune disease. This provides proof that radiation poses innumerable health risks to humans.
If Wireless Radiation Exposure Is No Big Deal, Why Do Manuals for Cell Phones, iPads, Wi-Fi Routers, Etc. Include Guidelines and Warnings?
(Activist Post) Many products we buy for personal use are sold with a separate manual booklet or pamphlet that includes guidelines for safe use. Some digital products include this within the device itself instead of separately. Source – Activist Post by Staff Writer, February 5th, 2018 Since many of us don’t bother to read the […]
Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Found to Give Rats Cancer
(Isabelle Z) A new study released by the National Institutes of Health shows that exposure to cell phone radiation known as RFR causes male rats to develop a rare type of cancer. According to two technical reports on mice and rats, the RFR exposure caused male rats to develop tumors in the tissues that surround nerves […]