(Gabriel Keane) In a video posted to free speech video-sharing platform Gab TV this week, an irate father confronted the board of the Lake Washington School District in Redmond, Washington over the teaching of anti-white propaganda and radical gender theory to elementary school students.
‘You Are Teaching My Daughter That Her Mother Is Evil Because She’s White’…black Father Testifies Against Critical Race Theory
(Leisa Audette) A Black father’s testimony against teaching critical race theory calls attention to the damage that will be done to America’s children.
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Grandmother Who Was At Capitol Building For 10 Minutes First To Be Sentenced, Says She Was Made To Watch Documentaries On Racism
(Ian Cheong) An unarmed grandmother who was present at the US Capitol on Jan. 6 was the first person to be sentenced over what Democrat politicians refer to as an insurrection. She pleaded guilty to one charge of parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.
Left’s Race Obsession Finally Drawing Blood? Gunman Who Shot Whites Across South Racially Motivated, Police Say
(Samantha Chang) Amid the race wars being recklessly stoked by the left, it is high time to be brutally honest about the alarming state of race relations in America.
Admiral Wants Every Sailor to Read Racist Book, Ignores Author’s Shocking Anti-White Statements When Confronted
(Elizabeth Stauffer) Suddenly, critical race theory — the idea that American racism has shaped every institution and norm in our lives — is finding its way into every aspect of our lives. White people are the oppressors and have led lives of privilege, and minorities are the oppressed who have always operated from a point of disadvantage in America.
American Marxists, Take Your Fictitious Systemic Racism and White Privilege and Shove It
(Steve McCann) Over the past fifty years, the Marxist-inspired American Left has been hellbent on trying to convince the citizenry that the United States is and always has been a malevolent nation due to “systemic racism” and “white privilege.” According to their agitprop, the European branch of the Caucasian race (or more contemptuously, “Whites”) has, since the dawn of recorded history, been the principal promoters and beneficiaries of slavery and repression throughout the world. Those members of this villainous race who settled in this country over the past 400 years are responsible for imposing never-ending racism and inequity on the American continent.
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Six Ways The Black Community Is Hurt By Democrat Policies
(Leisa Audette) In this installment of our weekly Sunday Six conversation, PF Whalen and Parker Beauregard of The Blue State Conservative review six policies and narratives supported by Democrats that do irreparably more harm than good for blacks, even though the latter still vote 90-95% consistently for the former.
Like Father, Like Son? More Racist Hunter Biden Texts, Reportedly Referred to Asians with a Slur
(Kipp Jones) The son of President Joe Biden used an ethnic slur when referring to Asian women during a 2019 conservation with his cousin, according to text messages unearthed from his abandoned computer hard drive, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.
Federal Judge Halts Biden’s Race Based Relief Program
(Carmine Sabia) Joe Biden just got slapped down by a federal judge who said that his plan to provide relief to farmers of color caused grave constitutional concerns.
Hate Crime Hoax: Student Sets Room on Fire, Claims She Was Target of Racist Attacks
(Arsenio Toledo) A female student at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin, claimed to be a victim of racist attacks. She even reported that somebody had started a small fire in her on-campus residence hall to attack her. But a closer investigation showed that the student started the fire herself.
#RacistHunter Trends On Twitter After Texts of Hunter Biden Repeatedly Saying ‘N***a’ Surface
(Tom Pappert) Earlier this afternoon The Daily Mail published several screen shots that appear to show Hunter Biden, the son of the 46th U.S. President, referring to his white lawyer as a “n***a” and sharing a meme of his father calling 44th U.S. President Barack Obama a “n***a”. Now, the hashtag #RacistHunter is trending on the far left social media platform Twitter.
Going Viral: Black Father, Daughter Speak Out Against Toxic Critical Race Theory (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) A video of a black father and his daughter speaking out against toxic critical race theory went viral on TikTok.
VIDEO: “Who gets reparations and who doesn’t?”…Black Women Makes Epic Statement Against Reparations
(B.K. House) “It’s 2021; how are we to determine who gets reparations and who doesn’t?”
BLM Leader Resigns & Spills the ‘Ugly Truth’ About the Group’s Destructive Impact on Black Communities
(Kyle Becker) The founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul, Minnesota, Rashard Turner, has resigned from the radical Marxist organization. Despite very little being known about BLM, a multi-million dollar operation co-founded by Marxists, its flags are now ubiquitous across America, including on State Department buildings.
No Race Has Ever Done More for Another Race than White Americans Have Done for Black Americans
(Vasko Kohlmayer) In the last twelve months, we have been ceaselessly bombarded by claims that America is a racist society in which Black people are oppressed by White people.