(Aaron Kliegman) Candidates of color had a great election night on Tuesday, making history as voters across the country elected minorities to office in both local and statewide races, despite a progressive narrative claiming the U.S. is a systemically racist nation.
Leaked Docs Show “Woke” Walmart Now Subjecting White Employees To Race Propaganda, Telling Them They Are Guilty of Internalized Racial Superiority
(JD Heyes) Scores of U.S. corporations, most of which used to be run by patriots who believed in their country and believed that our diverse population was complimentary and unique, are now led by woke semi-capitalists who have adopted a Marxist view of America and are fomenting hate and division within their employee ranks.
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AT&T’s ‘Racial Re-Education Program’ Asserts “White People, You Are the Problem”
(Paul Joseph Watson) Demands employees promote trans activism, defund the police movements.
Terry McAuliffe Just Smeared Virginia Parents AGAIN…Calls Concerns About Critical Race Theory “Racist” [Video]
(Leisa Audette) Terry McAuliffe is one stubborn politician who will not back down from his false claim that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not taught in Virginia schools. He must not pay attention to his own state because Loudoun and Fairfax Counties (see below) have been in the news many times lately over criticism from parents about Critical Race Theory being taught in schools.
AG Merrick Garland’s Family Ties to Critical Race Theory Publisher Come Out: ‘A Reimagined Education System is our Antiracist Protest’
(Kyle Becker) Attorney General Merrick Garland has a Critical Race Theory (CRT) publisher in the family. The nation’s top law enforcement official recently released a Department of Justice advisery on parents speaking out against CRT, indicating that the FBI has been authorized to consult with state and local law enforcement on the matter.
Racist Vaccines? Polling Data Shows Black Americans Experience Three Times More Serious Vaccine Reactions Compared to Whites
(Ethan Huff) The prevalence of serious adverse effects caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” is three times higher in black people than it is in white people, a new survey has found.
Surprise! Another Hate Hoax: Black Emory University Employee Arrested for Vandalizing Autism Center with Racist, Anti-Semitic Graffiti
(Roy Lee Gordon, Jr.) A black Emory University employee was arrested last week for vandalizing the Emory Autism Center with racial and anti-Semitic slurs.
Maher: ‘Woke Segregation’ Will Destroy a Country Where Most Black People Have Good Lives, ‘Ask Yugoslavia’
(Ian Hanchett) On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that “Balkanizing our nation will certainly cause us to lose” a country “that most black people now have found a decent life in, with a relatively high standard of living, and don’t want to lose.” And that we must “stop regarding this new woke segregation as if it’s some sort of cultural advancement. It’s not. Ask Yugoslavia.”
Foundation of Critical Race Theory Shows Its True Goals: To Abolish ‘Whiteness’
(JD Rucker) The increasing popularity of Critical Race Theory in public education has alarmed many parents of all races. Those who recognize the explicit segregation and purely racist edicts of the concept have spoken out. But it’s an issue that is still not receiving nearly enough attention from parents because mainstream media and academia have partnered under the flag of “anti-racism” to bush the blatantly bigoted concept and hide its true nature.
Identity Politics and Systemic Racism Theory as the New Marxo-Nazism
(Richard M. Ebeling) It is very easy to say that we have been and are living in unprecedented times in 2020 and 2021. We have experienced a global pandemic, with government-imposed and mandated lockdowns and shutdowns of much of America’s and the world’s economic activities and social interactions, as well as with governmental debts that cumulatively are almost equal to the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Critical Race Theory: And Now, For The Rest Of The Story
(NOQ Report) All across the country, there has been a major push against CRT (critical race theory) led by small-town parents at school board meetings, state legislatures, and numerous social media personalities and organizations. The success of this resistance has caused its supporters to shift its messaging. The new tactic has been to try and shift the public debate from a growing antagonistic “CRT” label to something more palatable, something almost virtuous. A more accurate and thorough history.
WATCH: Bill Maher Says the Race-Obsessed Left is ‘Embarrassing’ Him
(Cassandra Fairbanks) On the latest episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, the comedian and political commentator bashed the race-obsessed left for promoting the “Black National Anthem” and promoting segregation in schools.
If You Do Things Well and in a Timely Manner, You’re Guilty of “White Supremacy,” Says Colorado University
(JD Heyes) If you haven’t picked up on it yet, the Marxist American left, which owns every level of our education system, is full-tilt working to destroy the fabric of society so their master revolutionaries can step in to ‘restore order’ while imposing authoritarian rule, the way all democracies have been overthrown since Karl Marx first put pen to paper.
Professor: ‘White People Should Commit Suicide As an Ethical Act’
(Natural News) A psychology professor at Duquesne University is raising eyebrows by agreeing with another educator who says it would be ethical for white people to kill themselves.
Broward School Board Chairwoman At NAACP Pro-Mask Event Rambles About ‘White People’ And Claims She Silenced Anti-Maskers To Stop An ‘Insurrection’
(Patrick Howley) Broward County, Florida School Board chairwoman Rosalind Osgood rambled some racially charged comments about “white people” and “black people” and the supposed threat she faces from the Proud Boys and anti-mask Freedom supporters at a National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) statewide virtual town hall on mandatory masking that NATIONAL FILE and patriot organizer Chris Nelson decided to watch.