(100 Percent Fed Up) Critical Race Theory proponent and “antiracist” millionaire Boston University professor Ibram X. Kendi associated the Second Amendment with the “freedom to enslave” during a recent interview.
AOC Says White Supremacists Commit the Vast Majority “Domestic Terrorism” by Far (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this week said white supremacists commit the vast majority of domestic terrorism.
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Black, Conservative Priest-in-Training Leaves Church After White, Progressive Female Bishop Says He Doesn’t Know What Racism Is
(Nick Monroe) “Calvin, as a white woman I can tell you that the Church IS institutionally racist,” the Bishop of London said.
Another day, another outrageous comment from a liberal host on ABC’s “The View.”
(Martin Walsh) Another day, another outrageous comment from a liberal host on ABC’s “The View.”
PHOTO: Hillary Clinton Maskless at Met Gala as Masked Black Staffer Attends Her Gown
(Joel B. Pollak) Former Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton went maskless at the 2022 Met Gala in New York on Monday night, as a masked black staffer attended the length train of her shimmering red evening gown.
Pelosi: Wealthy Republicans Aren’t All Racists, Anti-Semites, but ‘That’s How They Vote’
(Nicholas Ballasy) Fueled by “endless money,” Republicans rose to power in Congress in the ’90s “to protect the financial assets of the rich,” the House speaker claimed.
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Study: Major Newspapers Deliberately Bury Race of Homicide Suspects, Unless They’re White
(Paul Joseph Watson) Systemic racism?
Black Students Found Responsible For Racist DEATH Threat at CA High School: “All N***ers Should Die”
(Amber Crawford) At Rosemont High School in Sacramento, California, two black students have been found responsible for racist graffiti on school property and creating a “hate hoax”.
Updated Psychiatric Manual Makes Grief, Racism, and Childhood “Mental Disorders” to be Treated with Drugs
(Brian Shilhavy) Americans love their drugs.
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Black Supremacist Cop Killer Gets Paid Speaking Gig at NY College
(Cullen Mccue) A New York college has booked convicted cop killer Jalil Muntaqim, formerly known as Anthony Bottom, for a paid speaking event on April 6. Muntaqim was among a group of “Black Liberation Army” extremists who assassinated two New York City police officers in 1971 and was also involved in a shootout with law enforcement in California. The university has marketed Muntaqim as a “political prisoner.”
California Task Force Votes to Provide Reparations to Descendants of Slaves
(Cullen McCue) California Task Force Votes to Provide Reparations to Descendants of Slaves
Kamala Harris SLAMS Biden In New Book.. Implies His Administration Is Racist
(Adam Wilson) In New York Times Reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns’ new book “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future” the authors paint a negative picture of President Biden’s relationship with his Vice President, Kamala Harris.
Seattle Woman Sentenced to Five Years in Prison For Torching Police Cars During BLM Riot
(Cassandra Fairbanks) A Seattle woman has been sentenced to five years in prison for torching police vehicles during a Black Lives Matter riot in 2020.
How CNN Twists the Racial Narrative
(Alexander Riley) Could it be any clearer that the mainstream media actively wants to divide the country and make us hate one another? How else to explain that they are constantly running stories like this at the top of their website front pages: “Video showing how police treat Black and White teens in mall fight sparks outrage.”
The War in Ukraine Is Racist, Too!
(John Klar) Per the mainstream media, the war in Ukraine is entirely about white supremacy. Articles by the usual far-left racist agitators have proliferated, analyzing the conflict through a race-only lens. Instead of proffering any solutions to save human lives (of any color) in Ukraine, or to maintain global stability, these efforts will achieve the opposite. Conflating foreign conflicts into a global race war has no redeeming qualities.