(S.D. Wells) The highly intellectual comedian Russell Brand breaks down the outright bigoted hypocrisy on display on CNN talk shows, where the mindless vaccine-pushing puppets say everything ‘science’ is to the benefit of mankind and should never be questioned by anyone, ever.
race wars
CRT Takedown: Victims of Woke Discrimination Join Forces, Launching Multiple Lawsuits
(Lance D. Johnson) Critical race theory is like a metastatic cancer that’s infesting every institution with its poisonous grievance-mongering.
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Hidden Cam Footage Reveals Warnock Staff Tricking Voters over ‘Defund Police’, Anti-white Hatred
(Staff Writer) A new video from Project Veritas reveals Senate candidate Reverend Raphael Warnock’s staff admitting to deceiving voters of the candidate’s intention to defund the police.