(JD Heyes) Critical race theory, which teaches that all whites are as inherently racist as the systems and institutions they established at the founding of our country, has now been banned from schools in yet another Republican-run state: North Dakota.
Race Theory
Salvation Army Fully Embraces Woke Critical Race Theory, Asks White Donors to Repent For Their ‘Unconscious Bias’
(Grant Atkinson) CORRECTION, Dec. 1, 2021: Prior to the publication of this story, the Salvation Army released a statement responding to allegations that the organization was embracing critical race theory and detailing its position on racism.
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Don’t Let Leftists Gaslight You on Critical Race Theory
(Christopher Paslay) Chauncey Devega, a race essentialist and staff writer for Salon, insists that Critical Race Theory is a fairytale. In his recent article, “‘Critical race theory’ is a fairytale — but America’s monsters are real,” Devega insists that CRT is a lie, a damn lie, and suggests everyday white folks are “doing the work of racism and white supremacy” by “[s]upporting Republican fascists who tell evil fairytales about ‘Critical Race Theory.'”
Facebook Goes Full-on Woke Using Critical Race Theory in New Censorship Policy
(NOQ Report) Facebook introduced a new censorship policy today that has gone full-on woke, using terms from Critical Race Theory (CRT) like “intersectionality” to protect two new classes of people; journalists and human rights activists. Facebook described them as “involuntary public figures.”
Critical Race Theory: And Now, For The Rest Of The Story
(NOQ Report) All across the country, there has been a major push against CRT (critical race theory) led by small-town parents at school board meetings, state legislatures, and numerous social media personalities and organizations. The success of this resistance has caused its supporters to shift its messaging. The new tactic has been to try and shift the public debate from a growing antagonistic “CRT” label to something more palatable, something almost virtuous. A more accurate and thorough history.
America’s Largest Teachers’ Union Approves Pro-Critical Race Theory Agenda For Every State, 14,000 School Districts
(Ian Cheong) The largest teachers’ union in the United States, the National Education Association, has approved of a plan to promote Critical Race Theory to all fifty states throughout 14,000 local school districts.
Video Of Dad And Daughter Exposing Critical Race Theory Goes Viral
(Anthony T) A video of a father and daughter speaking out against critical race theory has gone viral. Kory Yeshua and his daughter made a TikTok video explaining how critical race theory destroys a child innocent thinking. In one part of the video Yeshua stated “we treat people is based on who they are and not what color they are.”
Parents Who Spoke out Against Critical Race Theory Curriculum Now Being Harassed by Leftist Groups
(Brandon Morse) Loudoun County is developing a pattern of pushing extreme leftist politics within its schools and due to that, many parents have risen up and pushed back. Now, these parents are not only being alienated by their own families, leftist Facebook groups are actually targeting them for harassment.
Going Viral: Black Father, Daughter Speak Out Against Toxic Critical Race Theory (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) A video of a black father and his daughter speaking out against toxic critical race theory went viral on TikTok.
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“They’re Gonna Teach Children to Hate Each Other”…Florida Parents Fight Back Against Critical Race Theory
(Leisa Audette) Parents let the local school board have it when the “Equity Statement” they released claimed there is “white advantage” in “structures” that “need to be dismantled.” They are trying to implement critical race theory (CRT) in the classrooms and the school district. This is happening all over the U.S., with parents who are waking up to make an effort to stop the CRT program from creeping into their schools.
DESANTIS: ‘We’ll Be Taking Action, Don’t Worry’
(Kyle Becker) Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is becoming a one-man wrecking crew when it comes to taking down American progressives’ toxic agenda. One of the most amazing things about it all is that has taken so long for one Republican governor to “get it.”
Black Parent Blasts Virginia School Board Over Sexually Explicit Books, Critical Race Theory (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Louden County, Virginia parents blasted a school board over sexually explicit books being pushed on 14-year-old freshman students.
The Wokest Place on Earth? Disney ‘Pushes Critical Race Theory on Staff, Rejects Equal Opportunity & Condemns All Lives Matter’
(NWO Report) Walt Disney Co. has reportedly joined corporate America’s rush toward critical race theory, teaching staff that America is rooted in “systemic racism” and that white employees must show special deference to their black colleagues.
Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in the Military
(Natural News) On February 3, 2021, in the wake of the “deadly events” of 1/6, Biden’s new Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered a 60-day stand-down and total purge of the U.S. military’s rampant, undefined “extremism” problem. Though the details of this purge were always kept vague and framed in apolitical terms, it was immediately obvious the target would be MAGA — with the buzzword “extremism” tagged onto various proxies for Trump supporters, conservatives, and opponents of globalism of all stripes.
Dr. Ben Carson Delivers Brilliant Op-Ed on “Irreparable Damage” Caused By Critical Race Theory, How America Will Succeed
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) In an interview on Fox News, former presidential candidate, former head of the Housing and Urban Development, and world-renowned neurosurgeon, Ben Carson he logically laid out all of the problems with Critical Race Theory being taught in schools today.