(Mayukh Saha) In the darkest of times, we are left to fend for ourselves. We have to necessarily find that reserve of inner strength to tide over the crisis. This we can only do if we are in harmony with our inner calm. Master Yoda, the ‘Star Wars’ super warrior, is all about finding this peace.
Give Your Life A Voice Of Reason With These 15 Morgan Freeman Quotes
(Mayukh Saha) Morgan Freeman – the Academy-award winning actor has conquered the hearts of the young and the old. With movies like Seven, Shawshank Redemption and Million Dollar Baby under his belt, this brooding gentleman is clearly ruling Hollywood. Plus, you can often hear his soothing, thought-provoking voice-overs in famous documentaries.
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18 Timeless And Insightful Pieces of Wisdom From Joe Rogan
(Mike Sygula) Joe Rogan is considered controversial but at the same time you need to appreciate his honesty. He created possibly the best podcast show on earth, certainly the most popular. Who else can make Elon Musk to smoke weed on camera?
17 Joe Rogan Quotes That Will Inspire The Sh*t Out Of You
(Ruan Van Zijl) I remember when I was growing up, I was around 10 years old at the time. I used to rush to the TV once a week to watch Fear Factor. Joe Rogan hosted the show and contestants were challenged to try and do a variety of weird and crazy things to win money. This is the oldest memories I have of Joe Rogan as he helped push people past their limits.
Watch: Shocked Students Slam Trump’s ‘Pretty Racist’ Quotes, Then Learn They’re From Biden
(James Barrett) In a new man-on-the-street video, Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips asks a few pro-Joe Biden college students to guess which presidential candidate — Donald Trump or Biden — was the source of some racially charged quotes, all of which were infamously stated by Biden.
25 Nikola Tesla Quotes Proving How Great He Really Was
(Mayukh Saha) Nikola Tesla – we all know him as the ‘Mad Scientist’. But he changed the world. His famous creation is the Tesla Coils which founded wireless technology.
25 Quotes to Foster Emotional Resilience
(Therese J. Borchard) “I ask not for a lighter burden, but broader shoulders,” says a Jewish proverb. That is the essence of emotional resilience … broader shoulders. We can’t control what illness we are diagnosed with, what tragedies come our way, or how many disappointments we will run into in our day.
Disclosure: Mind Blowing QUOTATIONS Concerning the Jesuit Order — “They have instigated MOST of the wars …”
Image Source (Phil Jayhan) “My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death.… I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there […]
Disclosure: 23 Official Views on UFOs and ETs to Share with Friends to Help Them Wake Up
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The UFO issue and extraterrestrial question is one that almost everyone asks themselves at some point in their lives. But in sharing information with the average person, who is dependent on the media to tell them what is real, sharing one’s insights about these topics can be difficult. But what if […]