(Larry Johnson) The Western media is filled with stories of the brave Ukrainian people rising up to fight the evil Russians and the Russians are paying a terrible toll, or so we are told. But if you step back and look at what is actually transpiring you will note the following:
It Is Possible For Putin To Get Crimea Without Force
(Steven Kopits) Russian President Vladimir Putin is in a pickle. Having mobilized his forces, he has committed his prestige, and Russia’s, at the Ukrainian border. He can scarcely afford to pull back without a loss of face, certainly for himself, and possibly no less for Russia. Indeed, Russia’s self-conception may be on the line.
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Ukrainian President Zelensky Asks Putin to Sit Down and Negotiate Terms to “Stop the Dying” in Ukraine
(Joe Hoft) Ukrainian President Zelensky asks Russian President Putin to negotiate terms to stop the dying in Ukraine.
Stocks Plunge 770 Points at Open — Following Putin’s Military Operations into Ukraine (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) On Wednesday night Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the start of Russian military operations in Ukraine.
Putin Compares ‘Woke’ Western Gender Ideology to a Virus
(Paul Joseph Watson) Russian President Vladimir Putin has compared woke far-left views on gender to a virus that will inevitably infect the rest of the world.
Putin Warns He’s Prepared To Use Military Force Against NATO
(Sophie Mann) Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday threatened military action in response to NATO’s expansion toward the Russian border.
PUTIN’S PUPPET: Biden Caves to Russian Leader — Offers Measure of Autonomy for Eastern Ukraine and No NATO Membership for at Least a Decade …Update: Psaki Refutes Report
(Jim Hoft) Putin’s Puppet.
Reporter Behind New Trump-Putin ‘Bombshell’ Has History of Pushing ‘Utterly Fabricated’ Stories: Glenn Greenwald
(Erin Coates) The journalist behind a new report that Russian President Vladimir Putin had potentially compromising information on former President Donald Trump and “personally authorized a secret spy agency operation” to support Trump’s 2016 candidacy reportedly has a history of writing false stories.
Media Laughs at Old, Senile Joe Biden When He Said He Told Putin To Stop Ransomware Attacks Coming from Russia or Else
(Joe Hoft) Senile Joe Biden reportedly had a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin where he asked Putin to address the ransomware culprits working in Russia.
Joe Biden Says He Gave Putin a List of 16 Areas of “Critical Infrastructure” That Should be “Off Limits” From Cyber Attacks (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) Joe Biden’s incompetence and senility is going to get us all killed.
EMBARRASING NIGHTMARE: Joe Biden Brings Big Print Cheat Cards With Him to Sit-Down Meeting with Putin
(Jim Hoft) Joe Biden brought a set of cheat cards with him for his sitdown meeting with Vladimir Putin today.
Biden Claims He Wants One-on-One Meeting With Putin After Ducking Same Offer From Russia
(Tom Pappert) Putin previously offered to meet with Biden on March 18. Biden declined, with the White House saying he was “quite busy.”
Turkish President: Biden’s Remarks About Putin ‘Not Fitting Of A President’, Can’t ‘Be Stomached’
(Eduardo Rivero) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has interjected in the ongoing feud between U.S. President-imposed Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin, slamming Biden’s description of Putin as a “killer”.
Putin Signs Law Allowing Him 2 More Terms as Russia’s Leader
(THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) MOSCOW—Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a law allowing him to potentially hold onto power until 2036, a move that formalizes constitutional changes endorsed in a vote last year.
Candace Vs Cardi, Biden Vs Putin, and Dems Vs The Filibuster: The Week in Review
(Leisa Audette) The Blue State Conservative is spot-on with their “Week in Review” covering everything from Candace Owens to Rand Paul who were in the news this week.