(Dylan Charles) It wasn’t but a week ago that our future looked brighter than it had in the last two years. The mandates were lifting and science was finally switching teams to join the side of rationality.
Stage Two of Mass Psychosis Taking Hold
(Dylan Charles) It wasn’t but a week ago that our future looked brighter than it had in the last two years. The mandates were lifting and science was finally switching teams to join the side of rationality.
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PSYOPS CONFIRMED: Governments Admit Using “Mass Formation Psychosis” To Enforce Compliance With COVID Restrictions, Mandates
(JD Heyes) By now, anyone who has access to the internet has seen one or more instances of people getting into shouting matches, fights and other confrontations over various coronavirus restrictions and mandates.
Mass Psychosis in the Age of COVID
(Ryan DeLarme) As of February 2021, it is now a hard medical fact that fear-inducing information repetitively spread through mass media can and does adversely affect the general public’s mental health in the form of nocebo effects and mass hysteria. In this article, we will explore the realities of mass psychosis and consider whether or not our society is currently experiencing a collective mental disorder.
COVID Mass Psychosis: Causes and Solutions
(Neenah Payne) “Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom?” by Dr. Joseph Mercola was deleted due to political pressure. It provided a comprehensive explanation of the reasons much of the world has complied with the insanity of the COVID “health” policies which are destroying our freedoms, health, economy, and educational system for a virus that poses little threat. His article linked to the video below.