(S.D. Wells) They call it Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, or PPSD, but it’s really long-term side effects from the Covid vaccines, and those who dare complain will face the dire consequences of challenging the false-authority of the Chinese Communist Party (Biden) administration. Most people have no idea that forced vaccination is only the beginning of “battling” the pandemic, because psychological disorders caused by the vaccines are already being categorized as PPSD, and forced medications for that kind of anxiety and depression are next.
Cannabinoid Pathway Linked to Psychiatric Disorders
(Neuroscience News) Northwestern Medicine scientists discovered an unexpected connection between a synapse protein that has been implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders and the endocannabinoid pathway, according to a study published in Biological Psychiatry.
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Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses
(Steve Watson) Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine have published a study that reveals most of the perpetrators of mass shootings in America are people with undiagnosed psychiatric disorders.
COVID TORTURE: Canadian Medical Group Wants to Imprison Young Children Who Might Have Been Exposed to Coronavirus
(Ethan Huff) In the event that a child is sent home from school because a classmate tests “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Peel Health of Canada wants that child to be isolated in solitary confinement away from friends and even family members for a full two weeks.