Prophecy & Predictions — End of World, Messiah & Future After 2019
Prophecies and predictions for 2019-Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga
Prophecies and predictions for 2019-Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga
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The Third Fatima Prophecy (Undisclosed by the Vatican)
(Edward Morgan) The third (undisclosed by the Vatican) prophecy exposed the origin of the Roman Catholic Church and the prophecy was how it will be undone.
Change is Coming | Martin Armstrong Predicts Civil Unrest for 2018/2019 Post Election Cycle
QUESTION: I have followed you for many years and read you daily. To the point, I was looking at the riots in LA 1n 1965 and then the riots in 1992, that being 27 years so I divided that by 8.6 and got 3.14, so I backtested 27 years and found more race-related riots etc. Does this mean we will see riots in 2019?
What Mystics & Prophets Have Revealed About Hyper-Dimensional Entities
(Makia Freeman) Hyper-dimensional entities have been recognized, discussed and warned about for literally millennia throughout the history of humanity. Naturally, there are many people who scoff at the very idea of such beings, believing them to be fictitious inventions of the human mind. However, the fact that so many cultures, traditions, religions and spiritualities have discussed […]
100 Years of Fatima Prophecies End Today: 2017, Fatima and the End of the World
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) 100 years ago Fatima gave a series of prophecies, one of which is coming to a conclusion today. Rumor has it that the Vatican took these prophesies very seriously, and this might be why Pope Francis issued Motu Proprio in 2013, removing legal immunity for agents of the Roman Curia, which […]
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An Area of Space Hidden by Google/NASA: The Red Dragon of Revelation
(Mr Robot) In the constellation Virgo, which is the astrology sign Libra, a “Red Dragon” anomaly was covered up by Google Sky, with a black box that led a lot of people to question what they were hiding. Related Rumor and Prophecy — September 23, 2017? What’s Going to Happen? Source – Anongroup by Mr Robot, September […]
Rumor and Prophecy — September 23, 2017? What’s Going to Happen?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following video reviews some of the rumor and speculation surrounding the date of September 23rd, from Christian as well as other perspectives. For years now, every fall, rumors abound about various global shifts or prophecies. Whether or not these events occur, as described, often remains unclear. But in many […]
Vatican Theologian Says Aliens are Real and Are More Spiritual and Intellectual Than Humans — Paper by Monsignor Corrado Balducci
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Vatican and the powers represented by it have long kept socially damaging information hidden from the public. Anything that threatens the status quo is quickly covered up by the Roman Cult, and its numerous intelligence agencies spread across the globe. Monsignor Corrado Balducci was a Catholic theologian who had close ties to Pope John […]
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Astrology of 2017 – A Brave New World
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is an astrological forecast of 2017 and what we might expect from it. As with all kinds of predictions, they are subject to change. And generally speaking, the potentials inherent in consciousness can be discussed as an astrological reading but in order to realize them we must take […]
Psychic Kim Russo on Election, Get Ready for Plot Twist “Between the Election and the New Year” — And Comments by Justin
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) A dear friend and colleague sent me the following psychic reading about the elections that I thought was quite compelling, especially since it was released on the 5th of November. Of course, I can’t confirm it objectively, but I will say that I intuitively feel like something big shifted […]