(Mike LaChance) Democrats think that they can change their disastrous poll numbers by whipping up outrage over abortion and the Supreme Court, but it isn’t working.
‘I’m Killing The Babies’: Pro-Abortion Extremists Swarm NYC Cathedral
(Cullen McCue) A group of Catholics stood guard outside the St. Patrick’s Cathedral as leftist demonstrators gathered.
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WATCH: Pro-Life Activists Sing The National Anthem Outside Supreme Court (VIDEO)
(The Gateway Pundit) Pro-life activists demonstrated their patriotism in front of the United States Supreme Court on Wednesday.
The COVID Shot, Aborted Fetal Cells, and a Powerful Pro-Life Argument
(Kennedy Hall) The advent of the COVID regime has been all encompassing for the past 19 months, or “two weeks to slow the spread.” It has felt for many of us like a fog of unreality has set in with a weight that presses down on us each day. I imagine that I am not alone in waking up some mornings with a sense of “old normal” optimism about the things I would like to do in a day – only to realize that I live in a dystopian framework that has caused a rupture we never saw coming.
International Pro-life Speaker Shares Her Own Abortion Story — and Unlikely Conversion
(LifeSiteNews) An international pro-life and chastity speaker called on youth to save sex for marriage, and shared the story of her abortion, healing, and conversion at the annual Canadian National March for Life Youth Conference last week.
NBC News Smears Pro-life, Pro-family Org as ‘Hate Group,’ Defends Pornhub
(Natural News) “NBC’s hypocrisy is sickening,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., president of the Ruth Institute. “While it smears the Institute and other pro-family organizations as ‘hate groups,’ it defends PornHub, a major distributor of pedophilia videos.”
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“Baby Lives Matter” Painted Outside Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake City
(Strange Sounds) The art was no doubt inspired by the “Black Lives Matter” painted outside the White House last month.