(Amber Crawford) On Sunday, pro-abortion activist Jex Blackmore horrified viewers by taking an abortion pill on live TV and killing her baby.
Bill Gates’ Pro-vaccine, Pro-abortion Plan to Stop Population Growth
(David Solway) In a 2020 Ted Talk, Bill Gates famously argued that world population is approaching an unsustainable level of 9 billion, a looming catastrophe that needed to be addressed by finding ways to significantly reduce population growth. The route to this end, apparently, is to make people healthier. The solution he proposed included a three-part plan, which he described as “doing a really great job on Vaccines, Health Care and Reproductive Health Services,” which could “lower [world population] by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” Many have accused Gates of proposing genocide. In my estimation, that is plainly a bridge too far, but it usefully highlights the dark underbelly of much of his acclaimed philanthropy and his undoubted globalist intiatives.
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These People Were Pro-‘Choice’ Until They Watched This Video of an Actual Abortion
(Pierre Boralevi) A powerful video showing how second trimester abortions are performed has been used by pro-life organization Live Action to show pro-choice Americans what abortion really is — and the video changed their minds.
TWISTED: Actress Jennifer Lawrence Holds Pro-Abortion Sign Next to Her ‘Baby Bump’ to Show Support for Killing the Unborn
(Leisa Audette) Actress Jennifer Lawrence attended a rally in New York City to support killing millions of unborn babies via abortion. A photo of Lawrence holding a pro-abortion sign was posted on Instagram by Senator Chuck Schumer’s niece Amy Schumer. What’s obvious from the picture is Lawrence’s baby bump. The outspoken actress is expecting a baby but still supports killing a baby in the womb.
Supreme Court Allows New Texas Abortion Law to Stand, in 5-4 Decision
(Just The News) Most abortions in Texas are now banned after six weeks.
Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBT Organizations Happily Take Credit For Getting LifeSiteNews Permanently Banned from Facebook
(NWO Report) A joint statement released by four prominent pro-abortion and pro-LGBT organizations revealed that they pressured Facebook to permaban the Christian and conservative LifeSiteNews for purely political reasons.