(Carmine Sabia) Donald Trump has revealed the one thing he will not do if he makes a successful bid to become President of the United States again.
Biden Says ‘Willing To Lose’ Presidency Over Decisions Including Pandemic, Afghanistan, Middle Class
(Sophie Mann) President Biden this past weekend suggested he would be willing to lose his presidency over his decisions on several key issues including his widely criticized withdrawal from Afghanistan.
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Trump Makes Bombshell Claim: I Likely Wouldn’t Have Survived My Presidency if I Hadn’t Fired Comey
(Randy DeSoto) Former President Donald Trump argued that firing ex-FBI Director James Comey in the spring of 2017 likely saved his presidency.
‘Let’s Go Brandon’: Mischievous Meme Mocks Fake News and a Failing Presidency
(Christian Toto) It all started with a profanity that can’t be repeated here.
Biden Job Approval Implodes: New Poll Shows Worst Marks of Presidency as Independents Abandon Him in Droves
(Kyle Becker) The latest Quinnipiac polling numbers for Joe Biden are nothing short of graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.
Biden Continues to Say He is ‘Working Like Hell,’ But This is What He is *Actually* Doing This Weekend
(Kyle Becker) President Joe Biden continues to send Americans the message he is ‘working like hell’ to get things done amidst a daunting set of national crises, when in reality he has taken off on vacation to Delaware for the 21st time under his presidency.
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This 83-Second Video of Biden at UN Is Absolutely Devastating for His Presidency
(Grant Atkinson) President Joe Biden delivered an address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday amid his many international failures. Whether it was embarrassment for his actions or just his general cognitive decline, he was unable to coherently portray his thoughts.
Biden Floors Americans with Parting Remark That Shows He Is Not Really in Charge of His Own Presidency
(Kyle Becker) President Joe Biden continues to baffle Americans with remarks that indicate that he is not actually in charge of his own presidential administration.
President Trump Hints At Near Return And Says: “2024 or Before!”
(Anthony T) President Trump in his latest statement just raised a lot of eyebrows in his latest statement.
President Trump: “I Never Admitted Defeat…I Have NOT Conceded!” [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) On Friday, we reported about a new HarrisX poll that reveals a stunning 30% of Republicans, 26% of independents, and 13% of Democrats believe a Trump return to the White House is likely this year, believing he can and will be reinstated.
Nearly 3 in 10 Republicans Think Trump Will Eventually Be Reinstated As President
(100 Percent Fed Up) The 2020 Presidential election is considered to be one of the most contentious elections in American and maybe Western history, so much so that the aftermath gave rise to a new f-word. After a string of audits carried out by states with close electoral margins, many Republican voters have hopes that these audits and subsequent investigations might well be sufficient to legally reinstate Donald Trump as President.
A Presidency of Dunces: Are Biden’s Blunders Paving the Way to a Harris Administration?
(Ryan DeLarme) This past week was a rough one for Joe Biden after a disastrous presser and the subsequent criticism, but the democrats and their fellow establishment republicans do not seem too worried about his performance and deteriorating mental faculties. Do they know something we don’t?
Joe Biden’s Goofs, Gaffes, and Oddities From 1st Week in Office
(Ryan DeLarme) Within 24 hours of his swearing-in ceremony, Joe Biden invaded Syria with a convoy of US troops and choppers carrying 200 more soldiers, rescinded much of his predecessor’s work, signed at least 17 executive orders and a range of new domestic and international policies. If that wasn’t troubling enough, there are a number of strange occurrences causing further concern over the competence and legitimacy of the new administration.
We Ain’t Going To Submit and We Won’t Forget
(Larry Johnson) After four years of a sustained coup attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump, the Washington establishment now wants us, the deplorables, to sit down, shut up and accept a steal. Here’s a news flash. We will not. This is no longer about ensuring that Donald Trump, who won the election, remains as President. The issue is more profound. It is the preservation of our Republic and a demand for genuine accountability and fairness.
Obama: ‘I’m Not Yet Ready To Abandon The Possibility Of America.’ Noem Fires Back: ‘What A Ridiculous Message’
(Hank Berrien) Quoting an excerpt from former President Barack Obama’s new book, “A Promised Land,” which will be released on November 17, South Dakota GOP Governor Kristi Noem slammed Obama for complaining about America, stating that his stewardship had left the country in disarray.