(Mike Adams)Retail shelves at CVS, Walgreens and Duane Reade stores are now “virtually bare” in NYC, warns the UK Daily Mail in a Sunday news story. “Shelves in pharmacies across New York City have been left nearly barren because supplies are not getting through amid an ongoing global squeeze,” the paper reports, citing collapse of the global supply chain.
Massive Power Outages Rock Louisiana, Will Take 30 Days to Restore… Are You Prepared for a Grid down Scenario?
(Ethan Huff) As of this writing, nearly one million energy customers in Louisiana are still without power due to Hurricane Ida, and officials are warning that it could take up to a month to get things fully restored.
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7 Trees Every Prepper Should Know and Why
(Divina Ramirez) Trees are a prepper’s best friend in a survival situation. If you find yourself with very limited resources, you can make the most of trees by using their bark for food or tinder, their branches for fire and their sap for wound dressings.
Worsening Shipping Crisis Will Affect Retail Supply Lines and Shopping for Holidays
(Mary Villareal) The world’s network of ports, container vessels, and trucking companies that allow goods to move globally has been tangled due to the pandemic, and the cost of shipping is skyrocketing.
5 Common Edible Plants for Urban Foraging (Plus Foraging Tips)
(Divina Ramirez) You don’t have to leave the city to forage for edible plants. Suburban and even urban areas can have a variety of edible plants you can turn to in times of need because of green spaces like yards and parks.
How to Make Seed Paper That Can Grow Into Plants for Your Survival Garden
(Arsenio Toledo) Seed paper is considered by many to be nothing more than a novelty item. But as a prepper, you might find that this ingenious item may help you increase the amount of food you’re growing in your survival garden.