(Derek Knauss) Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive awakening we’re witnessing throughout the world as huge blowback occurs against the vaccine narrative as restaurants go under for enforcing jab mandates and government ministries investigate the dangers of the vaccine.
prepare for change
Dr. Lee Merritt Warns: Forced Vaccines Are a Holocaust-level Crime Against Humanity
(Lance D Johnson) Dr. Lee Merritt, an orthopedic spinal surgeon, was interviewed by Mike Adams on a recent episode of Brighteon Conversations. Dr. Merritt joins a growing list of medical professionals who see forced vaccines as a holocaust-level crime against humanity.
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Cracks Appear in the BEAST System – State of the Nation
(Sharibitsis) Finally the system — the BEAST System — is starting to crack.
57 Top Scientists And Doctors Release Shocking Study On COVID Vaccines And Demand Immediate Stop to ALL Vaccinations
(Prepare For Change) A group of 57 leading scientists, doctors and policy experts has released a report calling in to question the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 vaccines and are now calling for an immediate end to all vaccine programs. We urge you to read and share this damning report.
Boom! Medical Journals Corrupt to the Core! – Amazing Polly
(Prepare For Change) Polly discusses the horrifying reality behind “Scientific” Medical Journals using snippets from recent exposé by Off Guardian & a clip from Dr. Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt.
Claim: Miscarriages up 322% Since February
(Prepare For Change) Information about the evidence for miscarriages caused by the COVID19 vaccination program.
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Dr. Ryan Cole Blows The Whole COVID-19 Propaganda Away
(Sharibitsis) Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole has conducted over 100,000 Covid-19 lab tests and treated over 350,000 patients over his medical career.
UPDATED Scientists at Sloan Kettering Discover mRNA Inactivates Tumor-suppressing Proteins, Meaning It Can Promote Cancer
(Derek Knauss) There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even analyze, flying completely under the radar of oncologists across the globe.
Reuters and BBC Caught Taking Money for Propaganda Campaign
(Prepare For Change) Leaked documents reveal Reuters and BBC News have been involved in a covert program by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office to weaken Russia’s influence through a multipronged propaganda campaign
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What They Had Planned Was Hell On Earth! – Ole Dammegard – SGT Report Must See Video
(Derek Knauss) From the SGT report.
Satanic Temple In Texas Files Lawsuit Demanding ‘Religious Right’ To Sacrifice Babies Through Abortion
(Edward Morgan) The leaders in charge of the Satanic Temple in Texas are suing the Lone Star State for not allowing them to perform abortions on demand, which they claim is their “religious right.”
Florida Man Uses Stimulus Check To Start Thriving Home Garden To Feed His Community
(Derek Knauss) When millions of people across the United States received their federal stimulus checks to help them cope with the devastating economic repercussions of the novel coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdown, most people spent their checks on basic necessities like food, rent, mortgage, utilities, and other basic necessities.
28-Year-old Wisconsin Healthcare Worker has Aneurysm – Brain Dead Five Days After Second Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injection
(Brian Shilhavy) The COVID Blog is reporting that 28-year-old Sara Stickles from Beloit, Wisconsin, a healthcare worker at SwedishAmerican Hospital, has suffered a brain aneurysm and is now brain dead just 5 days after receiving the second experimental mRNA COVID injection from Pfizer.
Bitcoin Uses More Energy Than All of Argentina
(Edward Morgan) Bitcoin is a huge energy hog. And Tesla’s recent announcement that it had bought $1.5 billion bitcoin — and will soon accept the cryptocurrency as payment for its cars — will only encourage more energy usage.
Kristen Meghan Reveals the BIG MASK LIE – Mike Adams
(Sharibitsis) Health Ranger Mike Adams interviews Kristen Meghan who is a senior industrial hygienist. As a senior industrial hygienist she is an expert and specialist in environmental and occupational toxicology with experience in heavy metal exposure, contact poison exposure, respiratory inhalant exposure, microbiological virology expertise as well as radiation and laser safety. Her career spans so many different realms including public health.