(Jeremiah Johnson) It’s more important now than ever before in recent American history to understand how to live off the grid. And to do this, you need to understand how to make your own power. I’ve lived off the grid for years now, and have had the opportunity to learn what it takes to generate electricity for a house. Today, I’m going to show you exactly how I do it.
Greenwald: Former Intel Officials, Citing Russia, Say Big-Tech Monopoly Power Vital To National Security
(Tyler Durden) When the U.S. security state announces that Big Tech’s centralized censorship power must be preserved, we should ask what this reveals about whom this regime serves
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Maryland and Georgia Suspend Gas Taxes, Other States To Follow in Effort To Hide Biden’s Inflation
(Mary Villareal) Maryland and Georgia have halted their collection of gas taxes in an effort to hide the effects of Biden’s inflation from the American people.
Is There A Way To Prevent Psychopaths From Getting Into Positions Of Power?
(Brandon Smith) Despite a growing resurgence of interest in the science and psychology of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths it seems as though society today has lost track of how these people can sabotage the core fabric of a civilization or nation. It is very easy to hyper-focus on collectivist ideologies as the source of our problems and forget that these ideologies do not function in a vacuum; they cannot wreak havoc by themselves, they need psychopathic people directing them to do real damage.
Panic, Power, And Profit Were Made For Each Other
(Steve Apfel) Headlines that prove a point are not so common, but here’s one that proves two points and proclaims a third: “COP26 summit: Focus on how to hit 1.5° C target – and billions in funding.”
The Pleasure of Reclaiming our Power – Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Nov 18/19, 2021
(Adam Sanchez) How can we best use this eclipse energy for both power and pleasure?
Labor and Energy Shortages: The Cracks in the Economy Are Showing
(Ramon Tomey) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a negative impact on the U.S. at large. However, an impending economic collapse – with the economy showing signs of it – is threatening to make things worse. The recent shortages in manpower and energy reported in various parts of the world can attest to this.
Ida Leaves More Than a Million Without Power, at Least One Dead in Louisiana
(Sophie Mann) The storm weakened to a Category 2 overnight
See-through Solar Cells Can Generate Power While Helping Plants Grow
(Divina Ramirez) New research out of North Carolina State University showed that it is possible to grow lettuce in greenhouses that filter out wavelengths of light used to generate solar power.
Hawaii Is Replacing Its Last Coal Plant With a ‘Giant Battery’ — Powered by Oil
(News Editors) In 2015, Hawaii made history, becoming the first US state to mandate a full transition to renewable energy. The legislation, signed into law by Gov. David Ige, mandated that state utilities generate 100 percent of electricity sales from renewable fuels by 2045.
Gov. Abbott Temporarily Bans Energy Companies from Billing Texans after Some Got Charged Thousands of Dollars for a Few Days of Power
(Ethan Huff) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has issued a temporary moratorium on all electricity billing throughout the Lone Star State after some customers were charged thousands of dollars for just a few days of power.
The Power of the CCP — Horror From History
(Ethan Hay) Communist governments have always sought to have complete control of the flow of information, so as to preserve their legitimacy on the world stage, but there is ample reason to believe that they control the flow of information to ensure that the historical brutality of their regimes remains unknown.
Don’t Panic About Politics – Here’s Where Your True Power Lies
(Dr. Mercola) This year’s presidential election is not for the faint of heart. In fact, over the past several months, mental health professionals have noted a significant uptick in anxiety and emotional distress related directly to today’s elections.
The Secret Power of the Russian Pyramids
(Gaia) Even though the Egyptian pyramids tend to get all the attention, many other sets of pyramids around the world have qualities that merit their own spotlight.
Kamala Harris, Serial Abuser of Power, History Itself Tells the Tale
(Joel B. Pollak) The one thing to know about Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is that whenever she has a tiny bit of power, she abuses it.