(Michael Snyder) Most Americans didn’t understand that the exceedingly foolish decisions of our leaders would eventually have a major impact on how they live their lives every single day. But there are some of us that did. Many of us literally begged our politicians to stop borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have. But they refused to listen. And many of us literally begged the officials at the Federal Reserve to stop pumping trillions upon trillions of fresh dollars into the financial system. Of course they wouldn’t listen to us either. Now our standard of living is steadily being eviscerated, and most of the population seems quite surprised that this is happening.
positive change
Stop Trying To Escape From Your Life
(Destiny S. Harris) Find the best vacation within yourself
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Interesting Conversations Enhance Well-Being
(Exploring Your Mind) It so happens that you meet someone and, suddenly, you’re having all sorts of interesting conversations. Thus, a magical and undefinable connection arises because enriching dialogues are basically endorphin and serotonin injections for the brain.
Definition and Characteristics of Cognitive Rigidity
(Staff Writer) Cognitive rigidity can lead to a clearly unhappy life. Not admitting other perspectives and refusing to change, value other points of view, and making use of a more open mind only leads to frustration.
Loving Yourself Is Easier Than It Seems
(Exploring Your Mind) We all want to be loved and respected as human beings. But in order for that to happen, you have to be consistent with loving yourself. And this is much easier than it seems…
Emotional Hygiene: Prioritizing Your Well-Being
(Exploring Your Mind) Emotional hygiene is just as important as physical hygiene. It refers to a series of preventive strategies to help individuals prevent mental illnesses and discomfort.
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5 Ways You Can Help Your Fellow Humans During The Coronavirus Madness
(Matt Agorist) On Monday, the Federal government implemented sweeping recommendations, bans, and of course, bailouts for the rich. State and local governments then quickly followed suit and began to shut down restaurants, bars, gyms, churches, and other areas in which larger groups gather. Primary elections are being suspended, millions of people are locked down, and curfews and police state actions are getting closer on the horizon.
Meditation Changes the Structure of Your Brain in a Positive Way, Studies Show
(Aaron Kesel) For years, scientists have been trying to determine, through the study of neuroscience, if meditation has any effect on our personal health and our environment, going so far as to question if it could potentially lower crime rates.
Negative Thinking Can Be An Addiction – Here’s How How You Can Break The Cycle
(Alanna Ketler) We all think negative thoughts on a regular basis as our minds are wired to do so. This is a habit that we can gain control over, the first step is awareness. Negative thoughts tend to repeat themselves over and over. The first step to overcoming this addictive behavior is to become aware of these thought patterns.
House Unanimously Passes Bill Making Animal Cruelty a Federal Felony
(Elias Marat) The law would make it a crime to engage in the “crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating [and] impaling” of animals.
Autistic Child Starts to Speak After Two Days of Prescription CBD Oil Treatment
(Erin Elizabeth) At 10 months of age, Kalel Santiago of Puerto Rico was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called neuroblastoma. He endured chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and surgery for two years—and survived. Then he was diagnosed with something permanent: severe autism that disabled him from speaking.
Woman Rescues Nearly 100 Dogs In The Bahamas During Hurricane Dorian
(John Vibes) Days after the catastrophic Hurricane Dorian left a path of destruction in the Bahamas, many residents of the islands have been left with nothing. There were few structures left standing on many of the islands after the slow-moving hurricane hovered over the region with record-setting winds, and much of the coastal areas were submerged in water.
This Should Be Obvious: Florida Governor Signs Bill to Legalize Growing Food on Your Own Property
(Andrew Wimer) Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB 82, legislation protecting the right of all Floridians to grow vegetables and fruit on their own property.
Signs of Change | Something Big is Happening
Signs of Change | Something Big is Happening
Students Build Vacuum That Sucks Up Microplastics From Sand on the Beach
(Elias Marat) With the world’s oceans awash in plastic, beaches and islands across the globe are waging an uphill battle in the struggle to manage the plastic debris washing ashore—especially the millions of tiny microplastics that are nearly impossible to sift from the sand.