(Alicia Powe) Biological offspring will increasingly become obsolete within the next five decades as would-be parents opt for fake AI children to quell concerns surrounding “overpopulation,” one of the UK’s leading authorities in artificial intelligence claims.
The Great Covid Migration: Americans Fled Blue States in 2021, While Free States Got Major Surge in Population
(Kyle Becker) The Democratic Party is showing why people all over the world fled socialism to experience freedom in America during the Cold War, except they are recreating that migration pattern within the continental United States.
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Liberal California Lost the Most Population of Any State in 2021, New York Was 2nd, Illinois 3rd
(ProTrumpNews Staff) Democrat policies are killing the top Democrat states.
Denmark Reports Highest Infection Rate Since May Despite 75% of Population Being Fully Vaccinated
(Paul Joseph Watson) R number of virus highest since January.
WATCH: Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole – Experimental COVID-19 Jabs Are a “Poisonous Attack on Our Population”
(Daniel_g) Trust the science.
Poll: Clear Majority of Americans Agree With Trump That Vast Majority of Police Are Doing a Good Job
(Paul Joseph Watson) Respondents were asked by Rasmussen: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Our police have been letting us live in peace, and we want to make sure we don’t have any bad actors in there. [But] 99% of them are great, great people.”