(ProTrumpNews Staff) President Donald Trump has hinted multiple times that he will run in 2024.
Half of Republicans Don’t Believe Their Vote Will Be Counted Accurately, Poll
(Sophie Mann) A new poll finds 50% of Republicans do not believe their votes will be counted accurately the next time they head to the polls – a dramatic drop in confidence since the 2020 presidential election.
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Poll: Most Americans Believe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Bill Will Hurt, Not Help, Them
(Jonathan Davis) As infighting Democrat factions bicker back and forth in an attempt to pass some version of President Joe Biden’s multitrillion-dollar “Build Back Better” plan, a new survey finds that a majority of Americans aren’t really keen about the legislation in the first place.
Poll: 1 in 5 Americans Believe the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Never End
(Zoey Sky) A YouGov-The Economist poll released on Wednesday, Oct. 13, revealed that less than half of Americans believe that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will be over by the end of 2022 while more than 20 percent are worried that the pandemic will never end.
Trafalgar Poll: Joe Biden’s Approval Slides Down to 39 Percent
(Martin Walsh) Joe Biden’s already tumultuous month just got even worse.
POLL: 56 Percent Believe 2020 Election Was Tainted By Cheating
(Patty McMurray) Democrats and the media have been insisting for months that the 2020 election was the most secure election in history, but the American people are not buying it.
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Biden Headed for Disaster in 2022: New Poll Delivers Grim Warning to Democrats Across the Country
(Cameron Arcand) President Joe Biden’s approval rating could spell disaster for Democrats as the 2022 midterm campaign season is kicking off.
Biden Job Approval Implodes: New Poll Shows Worst Marks of Presidency as Independents Abandon Him in Droves
(Kyle Becker) The latest Quinnipiac polling numbers for Joe Biden are nothing short of graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.
Poll: Majority of Americans Think Those Refusing Vaccine Should Not Lose Job
(Casey Harper) According to the poll, 63.6% of Independent voters do not believe Americans should lose their jobs if they object to the innoculations.
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NEW CNN POLL: 52% of Americans Lack Confidence In Elections…Up 12 Points Since January
(Patty McMurray) A majority of Republicans believe the November 2020 election was stolen. Unfortunately, for Democrats, it’s not only Republicans who no longer have faith in our elections. Americans of every political persuasion are questioning the integrity of our election after watching Joe Biden’s first nine months in office that can only be described as an epic fail.
Poll: Almost Half Of Americans Disapprove Of Biden Vaccine Mandates
(Steve Watson) A Quinnipiac poll has found that almost half of Americans (48%) believe that Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates “go too far,” and that a slight majority are in opposition to it.
Shock Poll Finds Biden Underwater Big Time With Hispanic Voters in Texas
(Jonathan Davis) President Joe Biden’s approval rating overall has continued to tumble in one poll after another as he deals with multiple crises, including those of his own making, such as along the Tex-Mex border after reversing nearly all of his predecessor’s immigration enforcement policies.
Americans Support Governors’ Revolt Against Federal Vaccine Mandate, Poll Shows
(Just The News) New polling shows that the majority of Americans do not approve of President Joe Biden’s new vaccine mandate.
Poll: Fewer Americans ‘Strongly’ Approve of Joe Biden’s Job Performance Since April
(Martin Walsh) Joe Biden’s team is under pressure as more polls have been released showing that Americans disapprove of his performance as president.
Poll Shows One in Seven Vaccinated People Broke Friendships Over COVID Shot
(Lifezette) Not everyone you lose is a loss