(Katherine Blunt) From California to Texas to Indiana, electric-grid operators are warning that power-generating capacity is struggling to keep up with demand, a gap that could lead to rolling blackouts during heat waves or other peak periods as soon as this year.
Keystone Pipeline Would Have Delivered 830,000 Barrels of Oil a Day to US — More than Current Daily Russian Imports
(Jim Hoft) On his first day in office, Joe Biden killed off 42,100 jobs by ending construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The project would have delivered 830,000 barrels of crude to the US every day.
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Survey: Economic Nationalism Is Most Popular Policy Solution to Inflation
(John Binder) Economic nationalism, centered on reshoring manufacturing back to the United States, is the most popular policy solution to President Joe Biden’s record inflation, most likely voters say.
FAA Dangerously Ignores Its Own Guidelines – Clears Vaccinated Pilots to Fly Despite “Do Not Issue—Do Not Fly” Policy
(Julian Conradson) The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been exposed for flagrantly violating its own safety guidelines in order to push the experimental Covid-19 vaccine.
BREAKING: Tennessee Judge Sends Another Racist Biden Policy Down in Flames
(Kyle Becker) The Biden administration suffered yet another legal defeat for one of its race-based policies.
Ten Ways Businessman Trump Has Improved America’s Foreign Policy
(J.B. Shurk) A key feature of Donald Trump’s presidency has been his application of business strategy to foreign affairs. The administration has benched the traditional diplomatic operatives of the State Department in favor of a strike force of men and women with lifetimes of experience at securing tough business deals. The president believes that it makes no sense for America’s interests to be negotiated by career bureaucrats from Foggy Bottom while the expertise of American business titans sits untapped.