Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) We’ve been conditioned via institutionalized education and propaganda media to think that there’s no choice but to conform to the status quo within our respective national regions. Enculturation is a process of making an individual or smaller group like their parent culture, usually by quashing free thought and critical […]
police state
State Forcing Flood Victims to Obtain Permits Before Fixing their Homes
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The State owns everything. It owns the land, the roads, the schools, the air, the water, and our bodies. They even own your right to use your house, apartment or home. But, of course, none of this is admitted by the State. Yet for those who can comprehend lawful realities, the […]
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US Crime is at Historical Lows, Yet Police are Militarized and Prepping for War — Here’s Why
Source – The Free Thought Project by Claire Bernish When a country wages military campaigns on a scale not fully disclosed to the public to feed the coffers of war profiteers, it cannot possibly be surprising when that militarism — so infused in the political propaganda masking it as national security — eventually comes home. […]
Cops Use New Device to Steal Money and Seize Property (CAF) Just For Being Suspected of a Crime, Innocent Till Proven Guilty is a Myth
Source – The Free Thought Project by Claire Bernish As if civil asset forfeiture, where police can seize your property without having to prove you actually committed a crime, wasn’t contentious enough already, a new device allows the Oklahoma Highway Patrol to steal money directly from your bank account — on the spot. And it’s […]
The Power of Knowledge Demonstrated (Video) | LA Resident Knows His Rights And Schools The Police
Update – Apparently the video is not showing up for some readers. I have added the raw link above the video which can be pasted into a new tab. The hidden aspect of our justice system is slowly becoming unearthed in these shifting times. The average citizen of corporatized nations are led to believe that […]
Evidence Humanity Is Ready For Service To Others? | Police Officer Assaults Teen and Onlookers Rally To Her Defense
Update June 8th 2015 – We received a message from a resident who is reporting that there are many wild reactions to this incident. In our analysis we focused on the lawful basis of these Policy Officers and the reaction from the crowd as it is presented in the video. The fact others chose to act […]
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Is The New World Order Dying? 10 Recent Headlines Offer Hope
This post goes hand in hand with recent David Wilcock update and narrative for what is happening to take down the Cabal. The night is darkest before the dawn, don’t loose hope. Keep offering the truth and preparing our sleeping brothers and sisters for what is to come. – Justin Source – Activist Post By […]
Use Your Inalienable Rights | D.C. Circuit Judge Gives Advice on How to Talk to Police
Here is yet another Judge confirming the fact that systems of ‘justice’ and any government obligation is only ever consensual. The problems come when we forget or never exercise our rights to contract and issue non-consent when we are able. Of course the truth is, there are no lawful or de jure governments and as […]
Entire Federal Martial Law Plan EXPOSED (VIDEO)
Image by Urine Girl Source – InfoWars Alex Jones responds to MSM attacks on purpose of Jade Helm exercise He breaks down the government’s decades-long plan to use the armed forces to desensitize Americans to a domestic military presence before eventual gun confiscation. Covering everything from the Emergency Centers Establishment Act to gun confiscation during […]
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Grey State (pulled off youtube) | filmmaker David Crowley and family die: highly questionable reports
I was going to include the Full Gray State film, but youtube already pulled it down due to a copyright claim. – Justin Source – Removing the Shackles The alternative media is Buzzing over the “murder suicide” of film maker David Crowley and his wife and young daughter. Every aspect of the “official” reports are […]
France is under siege. Civil liberties suspended. Police state authority rules
Image Credit Source – Activist Post On Friday, Sputnik News cited France’s Le Parisien newspaper. Reporting a shootout between police and suspected Charlie Hebdo killers Said and Cherif Kouachi. Occurring during a pursuit on National 2 highway. Ending in Dammartin-en-Goele. Around 7.5 miles from Charles de Gaulle airport. At least two deaths and 20 injuries were reported. […]
Ferguson riots escalate: tear gas fired, crowd assaults police vehicle, gunshot heard – PHOTOS
Source – Natural News Immediately following the grand jury decision to not indict officer Wilson for the fatal shooting of African-American Michael Brown, the situation escalated quickly on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri (a suburb of St. Louis). A gunshot was heard on the live stream linked below, followed by a rush of people away […]
Transparency: Cops Kill 8 Times More Americans Than Terrorists Do
Source – Activist Post Many people have noticed that several of the local police officers, particularly the younger ones are more gruff, rude and even abusive as compared to the past. Many veteran officers attribute the shift towards DHS’ training of local police which focuses on teaching the police that the public is their enemy as […]
Cop’s Futile Attempts to Threaten Pedestrian Who Knows His Rights
Know your rights and how to use them, or you’ll loose them by your own actions. This world and its slavery systems work by CONSENT. Every horror the world over functions by consent at some level. If your reading that statement and feeling offended, its probably because you have justified to yourself some external thing […]
US requested data on Facebook users
Source Facebook revealed on Tuesday that the US government has asked the social network to disclose information on at least 20,000 of its users. In its first “transparency report”, the company said it received between 11,000 and 12,000 requests from the US government for data, covering between 20,000 and 21,000 users. Facebook said it received “both […]