(Michael Scheuer) Today, The Two Mikes had the good fortune to again host Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney (ret’d), who provided a good deal of new information about the top-level Chinese defector Dong Jinwei, who brought his daughter to America with him. The defector is a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and was in charge of its overseas intelligence apparatus, including supervision of all Chinese spies or agents overseas.
No Longer Just Theories… The Evidence Proves a Deep State Conspiracy of the Highest Order
(Jeff Dornik) Whether we are talking about COVID-19 in regards to its origin, vaccines and treatments; or whether we are talking about the fact that the FBI organized the events of January 6th; or whether we are talking about the massive voter fraud that stole the 2020 Election from Donald Trump, the evidence continues to mount that we are going up against a massive globalist cabal that will lie, cheat and steal in order to destroy America by any means necessary.
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Polish-canadian Pastor’s Response to Covid-Nazi ‘Gestapo’ Is a Call for Us to Take a Stand Now
(JD Rucker) Police are just doing their job when the shut down church services over Covid-19, right? We keep hearing that excuse but it’s getting old and no longer makes sense. It’s time to take a stand and tell the authoritarians we aren’t going to bow down to their anti-science edicts. A pastor in Canada did that, and his example is one we should all be following.
Christians Being Purged from Big Tech ‘Platforms’ at Alarming Rate While Satanists, Pedophiles Protected
(JD Rucker) There’s a Bible verse referenced in an article by Natural News that has come up often among Christians in recent years. The famous line about calling evil good and good evil from the Book of Isaiah has been invoked repeatedly lately, and not just for effect. In today’s society more so than any in modern history, the masses look at things that are clearly evil like Satanism and pedophilia and pretend they are forces for good.
Lt. Gen. Tom Mcinerney: The Covid Vaccines Are a National Security Threat
(JD Rucker) Two weeks ago, Lt. General Thomas McInerney took the first jab from a Covid vaccine after being advised to do so by his doctor. But before taking the second, he received a phone call from another doctor who warned him not to get round two. Since then, he has met with doctors, scientists, and high-level contacts who have sent him down a trail of discovery. What he has found is shocking.
Ten Reasons Biden Hasn’t Made His State of the Union Address, in No Particular Order
(Chris Hernandez) While we wait to see if “President” Joe Biden is going to hold a State of the Union Address or even take questions at some point from reporters, we can speculate about the reasons he hasn’t done it yet. NOQ Report author Chris Hernandez has some ideas.
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Lt. Gen. Tom Mcinerney Explains Why Lin Wood’s Whistleblower Is Absolutely Credible
(Michael Scheuer) The transcript of an interview with a whistleblower put out by attorney Lin Wood on Populist Press reveals bombshell accusations of massive corruption, child sex trafficking, and a cabal that completely redefines the concept of The Swamp. Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney joined Two Mikes to explain why every American must read this blockbuster release.
Bishop Robert E. Smith Calls on Churches to Lead Against Rising Tyranny in America
(Michael Scheuer) Today, The Two Mikes spoke with the Bishop Robert E. Smith, Sr. from Little Rock, Arkansas. Bishop Smith spoke very clearly about how deeply many of the nation’s Christian churches have failed to adequately support and advise their congregants on how to respond to the tyranny and evil being spread by the Democrat administration in a way that is both peaceful and effective.
Lt. Gen. Tom Mcinerney: ‘we Have a Corrupt Supreme Court’ so It’s up to Us to Act
(Michael Scheuer) Today, The Two Mikes again spoke with General Thomas McInerney. As always, the General had a great deal of important information to share. That information, and the realization that the Supreme Court sided with America’s domestic and foreign enemies, led to a conversation that concluded that America is at what the General called a “tipping point”.
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Leftist Reactions to Rush Limbaugh’s Death Are Truly Depraved
(Blaine Traber) There’s a stark difference in the way the left reacts to conservative icons dying and the way the right reacts to progressive icons who die. This was put on full display today as Rush Limbaugh’s death brought out the ugliest side of “Blue Checkmark Twitter.”
Huge: Rising Federalism: States Move to Take Back Their Rights Against the Biden Regime
(JD Rucker) As Joe Biden makes massive moves in every progressive direction possible with overreaching executive orders, several states are setting the stage to stop Democrat-led Washington DC from going beyond their enumerated powers. Federalism is back, baby!
Trump Supporters Are the Real Target of This Sham Impeachment
(JD Rucker) The claim that Democrats and some Republicans are trying to convict private citizen Donald Trump to prevent him from running again is a lie. They’re wanting to teach his supporters a lesson. We discuss this, federalism, and the proposed minimum wage tax hike on this episode.
Saving America Seems Impossible… but That’s Usually When God Works in Mighty Ways!
(Jeff Dornik) After the inauguration of Joe Biden as the Alleged President of the United States, many Conservatives who had faithfully had President Donald Trump’s back throughout the 2020 Election and the aftermath of exposing Election Fraud have become tired and weary. Related ‘We Have to Obey God’s Word’: Calif. Church Fined $1 Million for Worshiping […]
Lt. Gen. Tom Mcinerney Reveals the Most Important Part of Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute Proof’
(Michael Scheuer) Today, The Two Mikes again hosted Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (Ret.) for a discussion of the materials presented yesterday in Mike Lindell’s documentary “Absolute Proof”.