(Dennis Prager) As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. “Safetyism,” as it is sometimes called, like all religions, places what it values — in this case, being safe — above other values. Safetyism explains the willingness of Americans to give up their most cherished values — including liberty — in the name of safety for the last year and a half.
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Clueless in Seattle: Human Rights Group OK’s Charging White People ‘Reparation Fee’ to Attend Pride Events
(Kevin Downey Jr.) The Seattle Human Rights Commission is not only cool regarding a “pride” event that will charge those evil white people a “reparations fee” to enter, they also suggest those who complained should “educate” themselves on the harm they might cause by attending.
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The Morning Briefing: The Chrissy Teigen Cancel Choir Is Singing a Beautiful Tune
(Stephen Kruiser) One of the things we’ve learned during the social media era is that a lot of celebrities are both bat-you-know-what crazy and, very often, awful people. Back in olden times, celebs had publicists who were tasked with keeping their clients’ worst traits hidden from the public eye. We’d usually have to wait until a disgruntled family member wrote a scathing tell-all to find out about all of the ugly.
Even Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner Gets It Right on Boys Playing Girls’ Sports: ‘It Just Isn’t Fair’
(Matt Margolis) Well, color me surprised that the California gubernatorial candidate formerly known as Bruce Jenner has a position on biological boys playing girls’ sports that I actually agree with. Jenner has recently announced his candidacy for governor of California and was asked his position on this issue by TMZ.
When the Corporate Media Eliminates Facts and Nuance It Increases Our Deep Divisions
(Stacey Lenoox) The corporate media has done a fantastic job of increasing the division among Americans. Beginning in 2016, when they referred to the large swaths of America left behind by increasing globalization as ignorant, deplorable, or harboring “white grievance,” they set the tone. Many of those same Americans voted for Barack Obama twice but felt the administration’s policies had not improved their situation. That did not matter. It served the Democrat cause to attribute motives rather than seek to understand what animated voters.
Wuhan Lab Connected to Chinese Military, Documents Reveal
(Rick Moran) A Daily Mail investigation has uncovered additional evidence that the COVID-19 coronavirus may have originated in a military virus lab in Wuhan, China, despite denials from the Chinese Communists that the military was involved.
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So How’s Biden’s First Week Going? A Side-By-Side Look At What He Promised Versus What He’s Doing
(Bryan Preston) It’s been less than a week since Joe Biden’s inauguration. In that time, how has Biden’s campaign rhetoric matched his actions in office?
Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Access to Facebook and Twitter After Customers Decry Censorship
(Tyler O’Neil) A North Idaho internet provider has blocked access to Facebook and Twitter for some customers after customers requested the block, citing the social media platforms’ recent ban on President Donald Trump and other conservatives. YourT1Wifi announced the block in an email to customers, urging customers who want to access Facebook and Twitter to reach out so the company would put them on its “allowed list.” In separate comments to a local news outlet, the company’s president suggested that only users who requested the block would be unable to access Facebook and Twitter.
Biden to Propose a ‘Path to Citizenship’ For 11 Million Illegal Aliens
(Rick Moran) In his first few days in office, Joe Biden will send a massive immigration reform bill to Congress, the centerpiece of the bill being legalizing 11 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States. In addition, he will offer a path to citizenship for DACA recipients as well as certain refugees who are in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status.
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The Morning Briefing: Democrats Are OK With Billionaires If They Censor You
(Stephen Kruiser) Anybody else up for pretending last week didn’t happen and just calling this the beginning of the year? It’s probably time that we start trying new ways to shake things up. A little collective denial might be just the thing.
House Votes to Impeach Trump a Second Time
(Tyler O’Neil) On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump for “incitement of insurrection.” Some Republicans joined Democrats in voting to impeach Trump. On Tuesday, the House voted to urge Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, about an hour after Pence had sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) saying he would not do so.
FBI Warns of Plans for Armed Protests in All 50 State Capitols Around Biden Inauguration
(Rick Moran) An internal FBI memo is warning that radical groups are planning armed protests at all 50 state capitols on or before the inauguration of Joe Biden. The Bureau also reports that they have intelligence detailing a plan to stage an uprising in the Capitol if Congress removes Donald Trump from office before Inauguration Day.
Did Pelosi Just Reveal the Motive Behind Her Desperate Last-Minute Attacks on Donald Trump?
(Tyler O’Neil) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has urged Vice President Mike Pence to use the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump. She threatened to impeach Trump if he did not. Pelosi gave members of Congress a roadmap on two such measures on Sunday.
Congress Admits Walls Work, Builds Massive Fence Around Capitol Hill
(MEGAN FOX) After telling us for more than four years that “walls don’t work,” the Democrats in charge of everything have discovered the usefulness of physical barriers to keep unwanted people from breaching borders.
HYPOCRISY: Stacey Abrams: Challenging Election Results Is OK When She Does It
(Rick Moran) “If the Democrats didn’t have double standards they’d have no standards at all” is an adage we’re hearing more and more in recent years as the media tilts ever-more leftward and Democrats can say whatever they want and no one will call them out on it.