(Amy Furr) A dog trained to find memory devices recently helped nab a suspected pedophile in Mexico City and is receiving a lot of praise.
Photo Shows The Brave Off-Duty Border Agent with Shotgun in Hand Storming School to Save Uvalde Family and Kids
(Michael Austin) It can be hard to tell who the real heroes are on a day-to-day basis. It takes a significant call-to-action, a sudden moment of incredible conflict to reveal those among us willing to do whatever it takes to preserve that which is good.
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Parents Outraged Over Photo of Teacher Taping Mask to Child’s Face
(Paul Joseph Watson) Parents in the North Penn School District expressed outrage after a photo emerged showing a teacher forcibly taping a mask to a child’s face.
America the Outlier: Voter Photo IDs Are the Rule in Europe and Elsewhere
(John R. Lott Jr.) Democrats and much of the media are pushing to make permanent the extraordinary, pandemic-driven measures to relax voting rules during the 2020 elections – warning anew of racist voter “suppression” otherwise. Yet democracies in Europe and elsewhere tell a different story – of the benefits of stricter voter ID requirements after hard lessons learned.
Photo Collage Reveals Who Commits the Mass Shootings in the US Today
(Jim Hoft) Democrats continue to push the ridiculous talking point that white men commit the majority of mass shootings in the United States.
Space Hurricane Observed for the First Time in Earth’s Upper Atmosphere
(Strange Sounds) The first observations of a space hurricane have been revealed in Earth’s upper atmosphere, confirming their existence and shedding new light on the relationship between planets and space.
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Photo of Hunter Biden’s Signature on Paperwork For the Computer Repair Shop Surfaces
(Cristina Laila) Fox News has obtained a photo of Hunter Biden’s alleged signature on paperwork for the Delaware computer repair shop.
Mesmerizing Photos Show the Patterns Created by Murmurations of Starlings
(Good News Network) Sean Hepburn has been photographing birds, like gannets and ravens, flocking on the Isle of Portland, Dorset for the past six years. But there is nothing like mumuration of starlings to inspire awe in any who watch them.
Symbolic Pics of the Month 07/20
(The Vigilant Citizen) Symbolic Pics of the Month 07/20
Photos Show Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey Sitting in Queen’s Throne Room at UK Palace
(John Vibes) As Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious associate and accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell sits behind bars awaiting her day in court, more evidence continues to surface which shows her connections to high profile figures.
Photographer Captures Once-in-a-Lifetime Shot of a ‘Horizontal Rainbow’ That Filled the Entire Sky
(Jade Small) The only person surprised that the photos went viral and made the news was the photographer herself.
Satellite Photos and Geoengineering
(Joseph P. Farrell) This amazing series of photographs was spotted and shared by V.T., who deserves a big thank you. My reasons for sharing these with the readers here are manifold, firstly, because of their inherent interest, secondly, because I have myself personally seen similar types of formations in clouds, and thirdly, because those formations that appear in some of these pictures, and which I myself have personally seen, merit some commentary by way of some very high octane speculation.
Area 51 Raid in Pictures: The Best Photos from the Storm Area 51 Raid – as Presented by Mainstream Media
(Sebastian Kettley) THE AREA 51 raid has failed to storm the US Air Force base but hundreds of revellers managed to party just outside its front gate. Here are the best pictures from the Area 51 raid on Friday.