(Arsenio Toledo) China has stolen enough data from the United States to effectively compile a “dossier” on every single adult in the United States.
personal data
Defense Contractor Wants to “Help” U.S. Feds Access the Location Data of Motor Vehicles…. All Over the World
(Robert Wheeler) The Ulysses Group, a defense contractor based in South Carolina, claims it wants to help U.S. Federal agencies conduct better and more efficient military spying operations.
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LEAKED: Email Addresses and Phone Numbers for 100,000+ Gamers
(B.N. Frank) If you follow the news at all it seems like accidental data leaks and personal information being compromised by devices and software isn’t all that uncommon (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
Indications the Government May Have All the Data On All the Phones Wiped by Weissmann’s Special Counsel Gang
(Joe Hoft) Recently it was reported that creepy Andrew Weissmann, the kingpin behind the Mueller investigation, and a large group of Mueller gang members all destroyed the information on their phones after the Strzok and Page text messages were uncovered.
Is Your DNA Safe? You Might Be Unpleasantly Surprised By The Answer
(Collective Evolution) Have you used a service like Ancestry or 23andMe before? What about the last time you donated blood, genetic testing or a biopsy? We all want good health, to help others and put in our best for a good cause, but did you consider what happens with the results from those activities?