Scientific Father of ADHD Said in His Last Interview: “ADHD is a Prime Example of a Fictitious Disease”
(Current Concerns) Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried Höffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child’s behavior without any contribution on his or her part.
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British Starved and Killed 60 Million+ Indians
(Ramtanu Maitra) The chronic want of food and water, the lack of sanitation and medical help, the neglect of means of communication, the poverty of educational provision, the all-pervading spirit of depression that I have myself seen to prevail in our villages after over a hundred years of British rule make me despair of its beneficence. — Rabindranath Tagore
Human Origins Theory: This is How the Anunnaki Took Control Over Mankind
(Gregg Prescott, M.S.) According to Robert Morning Sky, just about everything you have been taught is a lie, including your true galactic lineage, religion and following the light upon death. Robert’s Hopi and Apache lineage ties together the missing pieces of what our indoctrination facilities (schools and churches) do not tell us and do NOT want us to know!
Wikileaks Publishes Michael Wolff’s Entire Sold Out Trump Book As a PDF
(Tyler Durden) Considering that Wikileaks made its name by leaking confidential and/or hard to find documents and information, and also considering the reversal in the Trump administration vis-a-vis Julian Assange, whom it first lauded only to threaten with incarceration in recent months, it is perhaps not surprising that moments ago the official Wikileaks twitter account […]
UPDATED — The Q-Book: Q-Anon Summary & Online Reference (Release #4)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Book of Q was updated recently. The following is Version 4, current to November 23rd, 2017. I have included this new version below. The author of this book is updating it frequently and can be accessed via this Dropbox link. I will also check and repost updated versions as frequently […]
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The Q-Book: Q-Anon Summary & Online Reference (Version 1)
(BP) For those of us trying to catch up or keep up with the Q-Anon or Q Clearance Patriot team posts on 4Chan/POL/, here is a link to a 79-page book on Google Docs that contains all the known Q posts thus far. Related Insider “Q” Anon Question Responses — Compiled by Reader Part 1 Related […]
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
(Operation Disclosure) While we wait for reports from our sources let us take a moment to prepare our minds to certain operations of the Cabal.
Fractional Reserve Banking Explained – Modern Money Mechanics (Video & Pdf)
Image Source. Related Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) — Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences https://youtu.be/P-5xDzTvW6E Modern Money Mechanics (pdf) Related Where Does Money Come From? – The Fraud of Bank Credit | Do you own a home? A car? Do you have a credit card or a student […]
The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Conspired to Vilify Putin
(Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenny) An exclusive alternate foreword to the highly anticipated June 2017 release by Dan Kovalik, The Plot to Scapegoat Russia. Related Conspiracy Revealed: Clinton Insiders Reveal ‘Blame Russia’ Plan Hatched ‘Within 24 Hours’ of Election Loss Source – Global Research by Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenny, June 23rd, 2017 Is Russia […]
The Handbook of Human Ownership: Why Humans are the Livestock of the Ruling Class (PDF)
(Pao Chang) This short but informative handbook does a great job of explaining why we have been enslaved for so long. The elite and ruling class have known for a very long time that humans are the most profitable “livestock”. This is why they have been working for millennia to control and domesticate us. The process […]
New UFO-ET Advanced Secret Documents, Tunnels, Bases, and Spaceships | William Tompkins on the Jeff Rense Show — December 9th 2016
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is an interview between William Tompkins and Jeff Rense from the 9th of December 2016. They continue their discussion about secret documents revealed by Tompkins during his over 50 years working in secret government projects. Tompkins is a whistleblower who came forward in late 2015 with the release of his […]
Security Matter X Documents | FBI’s Real-life “X-Files” Documents Strange Connection Between Ufos and the JFK Assassination
A rare glimpse inside Bureau’s “Security Matter X” files show the investigation of Fred Lee Crisman and his tales of “flying discs” Source – Muckrock by Michael Best, December 5th 2016 Years ago, I heard rumors about some of the FBI’s older files, which were curiously labeled SM-X or Security Matter X. Like the X-Files, […]
New UFO and SSP Documents: MTM 622 Unconventional Propulsion Schemes | William Tompkins on the Jeff Rense Show — November 30th 2016
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Here is an interview between William Tompkins and Jeff Rense from the 30th of November 2016. They talk about a new batch of documents released by Tompkins discussing Unconventional Propulsion Schemes, reaching back some 70 years. They discuss the use of electrogravitics and other methods that science today would consider […]
Study Confirms: Human Genome Contains 8% Non-Human DNA — Highlighting A Means of Manipulation by GMO’s, Viruses and Possibly ETs
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The below article presents information in a way that might lead some to conclude extraterrestrial DNA has been found in the human genome. But it would be more accurate to say that non-human DNA has been found, as in, 8% of the material comes from retroviruses that inserted DNA into the […]