(Daniel_g) Corrigan Clay, a U.S. pastor who moved to Haiti and adopted two orphans, has been indicted for child sex abuse after “engaging in illicit sexual conduct” with one of his children.
‘I’m Glad He Got Caught’: Chicago Pastor Demolishes Smollett, Leftist Media for Playing the ‘Race Card’
(Jack Gist) Sometimes it takes a man of God to cut through the fog of nonsense that has fallen over our great nation so we can see things clearly.
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Watch: Gunman Storms Altar, Pastor Tackles Him and Seizes Back Control of Church
(Jack Gist) God saves souls. He also saves lives, according to a pastor who tackled a gunman threating the lives of his congregation.
Canadian Pastor Released From Jail After Being Held For Nearly Three Weeks For The Crime Of Holding Outdoor Services [VIDEO]
(B.K. House) Tim Stephens, the Canadian pastor arrested in Calgary, Alberta, story here was finally let out of jail this past Thursday. His unspeakable crime was daring to hold outdoor church services in Alberta in defiance of pandemic health protocols. Alberta was allegedly the only jurisdiction that was still enforcing the draconian measures at the time.
Heavily Armed SWAT Team Wrestles Christian Pastor To Ground On Way Home From Church For “Inciting” People To Go To Church During COVID
(Patty McMurray) On April 4, a Polish pastor’s Good Friday church service in Calgary, Canada, turned ugly when a know-it-all ‘Karen’ Health Inspector showed up to stop the Easter weekend service on private church property. But, then, a beautiful thing happened.
Wife Of Pastor Reportedly Taken Into Custody At Airport Under Suspicion Of Having COVID…Taken To Undisclosed Isolation Facility With Guards Posted Outside Her Door
(Patty McMurray) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau placed new COVID travel restrictions on airline passengers on Thursday.