(Tyler Durden) A few days ago the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in a few key ways.
(Zero Hedge) Lock yourselves down inside your homes! Break out the masks and prophylactic face-shields! Switch off what’s left of your critical faculties and prepare yourselves to “follow the Science!”
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It’s Mid-2022 And The Fed Has Still Done Nothing To Fight Inflation
(News Editors) It was last August when Jerome Powell began to admit that inflation just might be a problem. But even then, he was only willing to say that inflation would likely be “moderately” above the arbitrary 2 percent inflation standard. Back in August, low inflation—not high inflation—was still perceived to be the “problem.” But things had certainly changed by late November when Powell was forced by reality to retire “transitory” as the preferred adjective to describe price inflation. At that point, the Fed began strongly hinting that it would finally do something to rein in price inflation. But exactly when that might happen remained anyone’s guess.
Maryland and Georgia Suspend Gas Taxes, Other States To Follow in Effort To Hide Biden’s Inflation
(Mary Villareal) Maryland and Georgia have halted their collection of gas taxes in an effort to hide the effects of Biden’s inflation from the American people.
GOP Congressman Warns ‘Deep State’ Desperate Now, ‘Running in Sheer Panic’
(Bob Unruh) A Republican congressman from North Carolina, now fighting an attack on his ability to run again for office based on the fact he spoke at a rally with President Trump last year, is warning that America’s “Deep State” “is running in sheer panic.”
Panic, Power, And Profit Were Made For Each Other
(Steve Apfel) Headlines that prove a point are not so common, but here’s one that proves two points and proclaims a third: “COP26 summit: Focus on how to hit 1.5° C target – and billions in funding.”
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Report: Newsom Has Been Calling White House In A Panic Over Recall Election
(Martin Walsh) California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing a brutal recall election and is closer than ever to being removed from his seat.
Dems Panic as Red Wave Begins, State Senate Seat Flips to GOP in District Joe Biden Won by 25 Points
(Taylor Penley) Could a red wave be coming in the 2022 congressional midterms?
X22 Report Deep State Takedown News May 24th to May 25th 2020
X22 Report Deep State Takedown News May 24th to May 25th 2020