(Ethan Huff) The latest “conspiracy theorist” to come forward and warn about particulate shedding from those who were recently “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is none other than Pfizer itself.
Extermination Machine Unmasked: Why Vaccinated People Are Making Healthy People Sick, Pfizer Document Admits Vaccinated People “Shed” Infectious Particles, the Spike Protein Is the Bioweapon
(Mike Adams) The vaccine is the bioweapon. Specifically, the spike protein is the bioactive weapon, and it is designed to spread from person to person, being transmissible from the vaccinated in order to infect the unvaccinated.
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Almost Every Fully Vaccinated Resident at a Kentucky Nursing Home Tested Positive for Covid-19
(Ethan Huff) A Kentucky nursing home is reporting that most of its residents who were vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) still ended up testing “positive” in a recent “outbreak.”
Top Vaccine Scientist Warns the World: HALT All Covid-19 Vaccinations Immediately, or “Uncontrollable Monster” Will Be Unleashed
(Mike Adams) A top vaccine scientist named Geert Vanden Bossche, who has worked with numerous vaccine corporations and organizations including GAVI, is sounding the alarm over the mass vaccination of populations around the world with covid-19 vaccines.
Yikes: Cuomo Aide Allegedly Involved in Hiding Nursing Home Death Count Taught ‘ethics in Government’ Law School Class
(Natural News) One of the senior aides to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo accused of rewriting a State Health Department report to hide the real number of nursing home residents that died amid the COVID-19 pandemic has worked as a law professor in Manhattan and taught about legal ethics in government.
Coronavirus Masks Are Killing People, Dentists Warn
(Ethan Huff) There is a new pandemic sweeping the country and its cause is persistent mask wearing.
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COVID TORTURE: Canadian Medical Group Wants to Imprison Young Children Who Might Have Been Exposed to Coronavirus
(Ethan Huff) In the event that a child is sent home from school because a classmate tests “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Peel Health of Canada wants that child to be isolated in solitary confinement away from friends and even family members for a full two weeks.
IT’S WAR: Communist China Successfully Infiltrated Vaccine Giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of “Unrestricted Warfare” To Defeat the US Military and Conquer North America
(Mike Adams) We now have confirmation from multiple sources that the newly-leaked database of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) loyalists includes the names and details of 123 individuals who have successfully infiltrated the vaccine industry, attaining employment at vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline — corporations that are manufacturing coronavirus vaccines for U.S. civilian and military use.
Mysterious Drug-Resistant Germ Deemed An “Urgent Threat” Is Quietly Sweeping The Globe
(Zero Hedge) Thanks to the overprescription of antimicrobial drugs and use of antifungicides in crop production, a relatively new germ that preys on people with weakened immune systems is rapidly spreading across the globe, according to the New York Times.