(Virgilio Marin) Harvard University astronomer Abraham Loeb has reiterated that the mysterious space object known as ‘Oumuamua is alien technology.
Shock Report: Chairman Of Harvard Astronomy Says “Oumuamua” Object Is “Reconnaissance Spaceship… Deliberately Sent To The Inner Solar System”
(Mark Salvo) For thousands of years human civilization has documented objects in the sky. With the advent of instant video sharing, we’ve seen hundreds, perhaps thousands of cases of unidentified flying objects. Scientists and governments have discounted the vast majority of these instances as meteors, asteroids, man-made rocket tests or weather balloons.
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NASA, Harvard, and the Pentagon Are All Taking UFOs Seriously Now
(Alex Hollings) This past Monday, a paper written by Silvano Colombano, a researcher at NASA’s Ames Research Center, made international headlines thanks to the paper’s assertion that our planet may have been visited by extraterrestrial life. The ensuing media frenzy, Colombano admits, lost sight of his actual points in favor of exaggerated headlines and click-bait assertions… but the deeper premise remains: the idea of alien life is continuing to gain acceptance among the world’s preeminent scientists and experts.
Do Those Pesky Extraterrestrials Just Keep Leaving Evidence?
(Educating Humanity) Mysterious ‘extraterrestrial artefacts’ could be lurking in our solar system, Harvard astronomers claim
Mysterious Cigar-Shaped Interstellar Object May Be Alien Spacecraft According To Harvard Researchers
(Joe Martino) Remember that cigar-shaped object that entered our solar system last year that had researchers wondering what the heck it was? Well, they’ve been studying it for the last year and now have some interesting theories, including that it may be an alien spacecraft sent to examine Earth.
Harvard Scientists Claim ‘Oumuamua’ Could Be An Alien Probe
(Mac Slavo) Harvard scientists are now saying that the mysterious cigar-shaped object known as Oumuamua could have been an alien probe sent intentionally to Earth’s vicinity. They say the odd asteroid may actually have been sent by an “alien civilization.”