(Natural Blaze) The latest data on opioid-related overdose deaths in the US has produced a startling detail: opioid overdose deaths in adolescents rose far more rapidly than the general population between 2019 and 2021, according to a new analysis of mortality data released by the CDC.
“Dopesick” Mini-series on Hulu Reveals How the Opioid Crisis Was Engineered Using Insidious Lies, Fake Studies, Warped Charts, and Made-up Medical Terms
(S.D. Wells) After September 11, 2001, Americans were convinced by the media that we should find where the “mastermind terrorist” lives and invade his “country,” then find him and kill him. Osama Bin Laden just so happened to be from Afghanistan, where the poppies all flourish and heroin is made (Afghanistan produces 90 percent of the world’s illegal opium) – enough to build a prescription pain killer empire, if the US government (led by Big Pharma’s nefarious guru Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of State) could somehow steal all that opium from the “terrorists” and then sell it to Americans in pain for billions of dollars. It wasn’t a “War on Terror,” but rather a “War for Drugs.” Thus, the opioid epidemic was catapulted in America under the guise of prescription painkillers that were deemed safe and 99 percent “non-addictive.”
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Opioid Deaths Nearly Doubled During Lockdown
(Humans Are Free) March 21, 2020, a stay-at-home order was enacted in Illinois due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It continued for 11 weeks, eventually being lifted May 30, 2020.
Russell Brand: Why Are Drugmakers Who Caused Opioid Crisis in Charge of Solving the Pandemic?
(Humans Are Free) It makes sense, Russell Brand says, that some people have doubts about allowing corporations with a history of prioritizing profits over people to be in charge of solving the pandemic.