(J.B. Shurk) As purportedly “free” countries all over the world get their tyrannical freak on by insisting that every citizen be jabbed with an experimental pharmaceutical cocktail or face the wrath of the Leviathan, I am reminded of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, in which he remarked: “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive.” Jefferson’s point was that ordinary citizens represent a necessary check on the natural abuses of government and the last line of defense against corruption and political tyranny.
Mounting Evidence Shows Haitian President Moïse Was Assassinated Before Blowing Whistle on Vaccines
(JD Rucker) There is growing speculation that Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated before he could blow the whistle on Covid-19 vaccines. Before we get into that speculation, let’s start with the facts.
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More Fauci Lies: The Dirty Truth About the Only FDA Approved COVID Prescription
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) It’s challenging to find a statement or recommendation by Anthony Fauci that isn’t a bald-faced lie, but this is a big one.
Gen. Tom McInerney Reveals Why the CCP’s Top Intel Head Defected to the DIA, NOT the CIA or FBI
(Michael Scheuer) Today, The Two Mikes had the good fortune to again host Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney (ret’d), who provided a good deal of new information about the top-level Chinese defector Dong Jinwei, who brought his daughter to America with him. The defector is a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and was in charge of its overseas intelligence apparatus, including supervision of all Chinese spies or agents overseas.
No Longer Just Theories… The Evidence Proves a Deep State Conspiracy of the Highest Order
(Jeff Dornik) Whether we are talking about COVID-19 in regards to its origin, vaccines and treatments; or whether we are talking about the fact that the FBI organized the events of January 6th; or whether we are talking about the massive voter fraud that stole the 2020 Election from Donald Trump, the evidence continues to mount that we are going up against a massive globalist cabal that will lie, cheat and steal in order to destroy America by any means necessary.
Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming
(NOQ Report) This article by Dr Gérard Delépine was first published in French on Global Research’s French language website mondialisation.ca. The English text below is an AI Translation with some minor edits by Global Research. This article demonstrates unequivocally that mortality and morbidity has increased dramatically as a result of the vaccine. The incidence of Covid positive cases has also increased.
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The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein
(Whitney Webb) While more revelations about the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship have begun trickling out following the Gates’s divorce announcement, the strong evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades prior to 2011 continues to be covered up by the media—not necessarily to protect Bill but to protect Microsoft.
Polish-canadian Pastor’s Response to Covid-Nazi ‘Gestapo’ Is a Call for Us to Take a Stand Now
(JD Rucker) Police are just doing their job when the shut down church services over Covid-19, right? We keep hearing that excuse but it’s getting old and no longer makes sense. It’s time to take a stand and tell the authoritarians we aren’t going to bow down to their anti-science edicts. A pastor in Canada did that, and his example is one we should all be following.
Christians Being Purged from Big Tech ‘Platforms’ at Alarming Rate While Satanists, Pedophiles Protected
(JD Rucker) There’s a Bible verse referenced in an article by Natural News that has come up often among Christians in recent years. The famous line about calling evil good and good evil from the Book of Isaiah has been invoked repeatedly lately, and not just for effect. In today’s society more so than any in modern history, the masses look at things that are clearly evil like Satanism and pedophilia and pretend they are forces for good.
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Lt. Gen. Tom Mcinerney: The Covid Vaccines Are a National Security Threat
(JD Rucker) Two weeks ago, Lt. General Thomas McInerney took the first jab from a Covid vaccine after being advised to do so by his doctor. But before taking the second, he received a phone call from another doctor who warned him not to get round two. Since then, he has met with doctors, scientists, and high-level contacts who have sent him down a trail of discovery. What he has found is shocking.
It’s Here: Show Me Your Papers: New York Rolls out Vaccine Passport Program
(Jordan Schachtel) Digitized segregation has arrived.
Ten Reasons Biden Hasn’t Made His State of the Union Address, in No Particular Order
(Chris Hernandez) While we wait to see if “President” Joe Biden is going to hold a State of the Union Address or even take questions at some point from reporters, we can speculate about the reasons he hasn’t done it yet. NOQ Report author Chris Hernandez has some ideas.
Biden, His Party, and Their Allies Will Not Escape the Retribution Q Predicted
(Michael Scheuer) It is rare in life to learn so much, so quickly. Since 20 January 2021, Biden and his talentless and widely depraved entourage have taught all Americans the most important lesson of their lives – the Democrats and their tech, Wall Street, and media allies hate them and want most of them dead and the rest enslaved and poverty-stricken. The Biden team so far has:
Lt. Gen. Tom Mcinerney Explains Why Lin Wood’s Whistleblower Is Absolutely Credible
(Michael Scheuer) The transcript of an interview with a whistleblower put out by attorney Lin Wood on Populist Press reveals bombshell accusations of massive corruption, child sex trafficking, and a cabal that completely redefines the concept of The Swamp. Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney joined Two Mikes to explain why every American must read this blockbuster release.
Democrats Are Accelerating Plans to Install President Harris
(J. D. Rucker) Many of us anticipated this. Now the plans are rolling out, perhaps and bit sooner than Democrats actually planned thanks to Joe Biden’s failing mental acuity.